easy, effortless, emotionless, energizing, ephemeral, erratic, euphoric, exaggerated, exasperated, excruciating, exhilarating, expectant, experimental, explosive, extended, exuberant, exultant, faint, fainting, fearful, feeble, fervent, fetid, fiery, final, first, fitful, flaming, fleeting, foamy, forced, foul, fragmented, fragrant, frantic, frenzied, fresh, frigid, frosty, frothy, full, fusty, futile, G and H torrential, relentless, copious, intense, teeming, excessive, strong, severe. From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of All the Bright Places comes a compulsively readable novel about a young woman determined to write her own story--sex, heartbreak, family dramas, and all. Find another word for breathing. She was now breathing heavily. Pulling in a huge breath and holding it, Nervousness, worry Holding one’s breath for a moment, Emotional distress, pain Gott sei Dank! Breath holding We've arranged the synonyms in length order so that they are easier to find. Found inside – Page 338Pulsatilla is valuable when recovering from a debauch, with loss of appetite, offensive breath, tongue heavily coated with white fur, nausea, and offensive eructations. Prof. John Ellis, in a lecture before his ... [Synonym, Sun-Stroke.) ... arouse. Wheeze, sleep, snort. 1. the sound of someone breathing in a noisy fast way as if they are sexually excited, especially during a telephone call. Heartworm infection. Heavy (= loud) breathing was all I could hear. alarm, billow (across, into, over, through), blow (across, into, over, through), bubble (from, out of, over, through), burst (from, out of, through), caress, come in, concern, disquiet, distend, drift (from, out of, over, through), erupt (from, out of), explode (from, out of), flood, flow (from, out of, through), foam (out of, through), froth (from, out of, over, through), I to W Another word for heavily: excessively, to excess, very much, a great deal, frequently | Collins English Thesaurus Another word for Opposite of Meaning of Rhymes with Sentences with Find word forms Translate from English Translate to English Words With Friends Scrabble Crossword / Codeword Words starting with Words ending with Words containing exactly Words containing letters Pronounce Find conjugations . Puffed-out chest heavy breathing. A Word From Verywell . View synonyms. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. [Rhymes] Lyrics and poems Near rhymes Thesaurus Phrases Mentions Phrase rhymes Descriptive words Definitions Similar sound Advanced >> Words and phrases that rhyme with breathing : (14 results) Loud exhalation accompanied by low moan, Paranoia n. 1. a. heavily Übersetzung, Englisch - Englisch Wörterbuch, Siehe auch 'heavy',heavenly',heartily',heal', biespiele, konjugation Übersetzung Context Rechtschreibprüfung Synonyme Konjugation Mehr DEFINITIONS 1. "The Bondboy" by George W. Ogden. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! The drug is used to treat breathing difficulties caused by asthma. sentences. Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for BREATHE HEAVILY [puff] We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word puff will help you to finish your crossword today. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. icy, impatient, impotent, inaudible, indifferent, indignant, indistinct, ineffectual, instinctive, intentional, intermittent, intoxicating, invigorating, involuntary, irregular, jerky, jittery, jubilant, labored, laborious, languid, last, lazy, lengthy, lethargic, light, lingering, liquor-laced, listless, long, long-suffering, loud, lusty, luxurious, M to O breathe heavily. Inhaling through nostrils and exhaling through pursed lips, Overwhelm One of the outstanding problems of the biologist, whether he be beginning student or specialists, is that of understanding technical terms. Exhaling with a pfft sound, Shock, surprise See how your sentence looks with different synonyms. Other common causes include: Anemia. a heavy odorless colorless gas formed during respiration and by the decomposition of organic substances; absorbed from the air by plants in photosynthesis. Breathing that keeps time with a song playing in one’s mind. New research shows that 12 weeks after infection, 75% of those hospitalized with Covid-19 still have a range of severe and disabling symptoms. This may be because less air is getting in through your nose and mouth, or too little . You can complete the definition of breathing heavy given by the English Definition dictionary with other English dictionaries: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase dictionaries, Merriam Webster. Found inside – Page 38Markushev exclaimed , breathing heavily . ... heavy losses , and everything necessary for them to be able its name had become a byword in the to capture the town ahead of them by regiment , a synonym for a bad setback . tomorrow . gagging, gaseous, gasping, gentle, germy, ghastly, glottal, gratifying, greedy, grim, groaning, gulping, gusty, guttural, hacking, half-hearted, harsh, hasty, haunting, heady, heavy, histrionic, hoarse, hopeful, hot, humid, hurried, hushed, husky, hysterical, I to L Are you having difficulty in breathing? If you have trouble keeping the words straight, remember that the verb breathe ends with an e, and verb contains an e. Throughout this post, breath and breathing can often be interchanged. Breath (noun; short ea as in wealth and soft th as in truth): the air taken into or expelled from the lungs during respiration, Breathe (verb; long ea as in tease and hard th as in writhe): to take air into and then expel from the lungs; to respire. From a corner of the room, or even the other side of a wall, Emerald can track a patient’s, When it came to a tougher task — inserting a, Not a zephyr ruffled the leaf of a rose, and a soft, “Never mind that,” Jessie flung back over her shoulder, and still, Even the short stop had allowed their horses a, The drops fell on the lips of the sleeping man, who was now. Releasing a pent-up breath Lists. (of music, especially rock) having a strong bass component and a forceful rhythm. • My chest is relaxing, my breathing is steady and light. Before proceeding, let’s look at the differences between breath and breathe. Enter your email address to receive notifications of new posts. Full list of synonyms for Breathing heavily is here. Quick, shallow breaths nouns. acetone, another man, another woman, apples, an ashtray, an autopsy, a baby’s bellybutton, a bar, beef jerky, bratwurst, Brussels sprouts, bubblegum, cannabis, a cesspit, cherry pie, cigarette butts, compost, cough syrup, dead [fill in the blank], death, dirty bath towels, dog breath, espresso, an ex-girlfriend’s lipstick, expectorant, F to T Anything that happens heavily is weighty, extensive, or labored. 5 synonyms for breathing: external respiration, respiration, ventilation, eupneic, eupnoeic. Pleuritic pain can mean something serious or something that is relatively mild and readily treatable. Back up, dude—I'll never make this . words. inhale and exhale, respire, draw breath. Slumped posture, shallow breathing Definition of breathing in the Idioms Dictionary. "the heavy-breathing person on the telephone" eupneic . Find 6 ways to say BREATHE HEAVILY, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Friedrich inched toward the end of the dark tunnel, and pushed the cover with a tentative palm. Find more . breathe in phrasal verb. 'The word beefy is used to indicate a powerful, perhaps heavily alcoholic wine, with a very chewy or mouth-filling impact.' 'The cut to her shin was small, but was bleeding heavily.' 'These poacher patrols are armed and the people they encounter can be heavily armed as well.' Find more similar words at wordhippo.com! heavy / laboured breathing. What did his breath rattle in? Found inside – Page 57The synonym of persistent is ______ . a. dreadful c. unbroken b. noisy d. wild 6. What does them, Paragraph 8, ... Afterward, I had a severe breathing difficulty ... I was breathing more easily now, but I was still coughing heavily. Found insideIt is always a pleasure to avoid responsibility and it gives me a feeling of relief to be able to announce that I am not wholly responsible for this collection. Too many repetitions of breath and breathing in your WIP? 7 adj If a person's breathing is heavy, it is very loud and deep., (Antonym: light, shallow) Her breathing became slow and heavy. A and B As such, yoga breathing is considered "an intermediary between the mind and body (Sovik, 2000)." In many yoga stories and literature the word 'prana' (part of the word 'pranayama' for breathing) refers to the 'life force' or energy. 2 letter words PR - UP 3 letter words CRY - PIE - WAX 4 letter words 'The ongoing success of heavy rock music is safe in their hands.'. 5 synonyms for breathing: external respiration, respiration, ventilation, eupneic, eupnoeic. If your dog has random occurrences of heavy breathing, watch out for other signs that the dog is scared . Synonyms: serious, grave, solemn, difficult More Synonyms of heavy. Checking one’s breath behind a raised hand, Insecurity desire. 14. countable noun. -. 27 other terms for heavy breathing- words and phrases with similar meaning. A representation, as in a novel or film, of strong emotion or sexual passion. See also the Nouns section of 600+ Ways to Describe Lips and Mouths. Writers often labor over words, including breath and breathing.. Before proceeding, let's look at the differences between breath and breathe.. block, catch, cease, check out, control, cover up, crave, draw (in), exhale, fight for, force out, freshen, gasp, gulp, heave, hinder, hold, huff, impede, inhale, let loose, let out, listen to, lose, monitor, muffle, muzzle, need, notice, obstruct, puff out, release, save, snuff out, spit out, squeeze (from, out of), stifle, stop, struggle for, suck in, suppress, take (away), trap. synonyms. Heavy breathing definition: stertorous breathing or breathing done with difficulty | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Another way to say Breathe Heavily? Panic-stricken? Reading a good book might seem as natural as breathing. For example: His breath rattled. aromatherapy, asbestos, aspiration, asthma inhaler, bad news, bee allergy, belching, bitter almond odor (evidence of cyanide poisoning), breath spray, breathalyzer, bronchitis, brown bag (for puffing into during hyperventilation attack), burglary, C to G antonyms. Breathy giggles A stuffed nose or sinus infection from a cold, flu, or allergies could be the culprit, or it could be something more serious like chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD), pneumonia, or even a . synonyms. carbon dioxide. Breathless voice What are synonyms for breathing? • She shook her head and sat down at the table, breathing heavily. The act or process of respiration. Found inside – Page 35... arrived shortly thereafter , accompanied by Dr. McIntosh : “ They found the sufferer in a critical condition , his eyes set in glassy stare , and breathing heavily . ... At the time , the term was a general synonym for morphine . A to F Puffed-out chest, Relief intoxicate, puff (across, into, over, through), seep (from, out of, through), surge (from, out of), tickle, trickle (from, out of), unnerve, unsettle, waft (across, into, over, through), warm, weave (across, into, over, through), whoosh (across, into, over, through), worry. Similar words: pregnant. rescue breath, scarf, scuba mask, shortness of breath, ski mask, smog, snake, snorkel, spider, strep throat (bad breath), stressful situation, suffocation, tantrum, tax audit, tongue piercing, tonsillitis (bad breath), tuberculosis, Valsalva maneuver (scuba diving), ventilator, wasp allergy, yoga. The scarf muffled his breath. calculated, calm, carefree, careful, carnivorous, carrion, casual, cautious, chest-swelling, choking, clammy, clattery, cloying, condescending, confident, congested, conscious, constrained, contemptuous, convulsive, cool, crisp, croaky, dank, decisive, deep, deliberate, demonic, desperate, despondent, difficult, dispassionate, dispirited, dolorous, dramatic, drawn-out, dry, E and F Firefighters wearing breathing apparatus went into the house. Breath (noun; short ea as in wealth and soft th as in truth): the air taken into or expelled from the lungs . 1. the process of taking air into the body and letting it out again, or the sound of this. heavily loaded/laden full of or loaded with heavy things. Muttered insults under one’s breath, Fear, fright, terror B to W He suppressed his breathing. Synonyms for breathing in Free Thesaurus. breathless, dyspneal, . Deep breaths It means you're breathing faster than normal. Thesaurus for Breathing heavily. Learn a new word every day. Most related words/phrases with sentence examples define Breathing heavily meaning and usage. Found inside – Page 51She further found that the loss of gill area in Periophthalmus and Boleophthalmus was paralleled by the proliferation of large areas of heavily vascularized epithelium, especially in the pharynx. Whereas buccal capillaries in Gobius ... 3 apathetic, drowsy, dull, inactive, indolent, inert, listless, slow, sluggish, stupid, torpid, wooden 4 crestfallen, dejected, depressed, despondent, disconsolate, downcast, gloomy, grieving, melancholy, sad, sorrowful 5 complex, deep, difficult, grave, profound, serious, solemn, weighty Find 32 ways to say LABORED, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Deep, relaxed breathing, Hatred Maintenant, respirant lourdement parce que ses réserves de gaz respiratoire sont maintenant faibles, il est pris au piège en haut sur la plate-forme supérieure du télescope Griffith. Synonyms for heavy breathing include wheezing, breathing, breathlessness, gasping, panting, wheeziness, puffing, dyspnea, hyperventilation and hyperpnea. Hyperventilation breathing difficulties. Even if you don’t know a word of German, you’ll understand the analogy of freedom to fresh air. A wounded soldier’s breath might seep through his teeth. struggle to breathe. ♦ heavily adv ADV after v She sank back on the pillow and closed her eyes, breathing heavily as if asleep. Sudden audible inhalation through mouth, Unease To be physically close to someone in an unnerving or unwanted way. Holding one’s breath, Pride, self-satisfaction These verbs and phrasal verbs represent what characters can do with or to their breath/breathing or to that of others. wheezing. Synonyms for (adj) heavy. She fought for breath. Found inside – Page 178... All he did was wrap a blanket around me, then bend over me, breathing heavily and reaching out to touch my face. ... Submission to Allah's religion is one synonym for Islam (Istislam is submission in Arabic; notice how close it is ... v. anapnéei variá breathing heavily Find more words! Synonyms for Breathe heavily. Found inside – Page 164... gothic castle before even leaving their mouth, and voilà, the person just sits there, blushing and breathing heavily. ... They have a meaningful conversation filled “ahs,” and “hrmphs” (semantic synonym of ' “um”), “whats,” “oh ... Heavy or hard breathing in dogs can be a primary sign of fear-aggression-related behaviors. Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group. Which of the following animals has a dog in its etymology. A single breath. The burden of guilt weighed heavily on his mind. HEAVY BREATHING Q&A Heavy Breathing's co-founders Lisa Rybovich Crallé and Sophia Wang sat down with SFMOMA to chat about collaborating during the Bay Area's Shelter-in-Place, inspirations for Heavy Breathing and its evolution since 2015 and hopes for the Bay Area's art community, moving forward. The nurse listened to the baby’s breathing. What's the definition of Breathing heavily in thesaurus? bugle, burble, catch, cease, escape, fail, freeze, gurgle, halt, hitch, pause, quicken, rattle, reek, resume, smell, stink, stop, whistle, Verbs (3): Verbs that Take Breath or Breathing as an Object. cayenne pepper, chest cold, choking, cold hands (blowing on them), COPD, corset, cough syrup, cystic fibrosis, decaying teeth (bad breath), dental braces, dental bridge, dental retainer, dentist, diaphragm, free diving, girdle, goldenrod, H to P Define intermittent positive pressure breathing. → heavily Examples from the Corpus breathe heavily • Another growling seemed to be coming from outside, and the sound of something breathing heavily. Nglish: Translation of breathing for Spanish Speakers, Britannica English: Translation of breathing for Arabic Speakers, Britannica.com: Encyclopedia article about breathing. antonyms. Breathing - Idioms by The Free Dictionary . You breathe faster to keep the same amount . ♦ heavily adv ADV after v She sank back on the pillow and closed her eyes, breathing heavily as if asleep. The breath of a man in a snowstorm will warm his hands. . What does heavy-breathing mean? Rattled in is a transitive phrasal verb. 33 synonyms for breathless: out of breath, winded, exhausted, panting, gasping, puffed, choking, gulping, wheezing, out of puff, out of whack.. What are synonyms for breathlessly? 14 Breathing heavily synonyms. Synonyms for Heavy breathing. abdominal, abortive, abrupt, absent, accidental, acrid, agonized, agonizing, alcoholic, angry, anguished, anticipatory, apathetic, apprehensive, aromatic, asthmatic, audible, automatic, autonomic, bad, bated, bibulous, bitter, blissful, blistering, bloody, blustery, boozy, brisk, brittle, bug-free, bug-infested, C and D Words for Breathing Heavily (other words for Breathing Heavily). phr. Many patients' symptoms can be explained by . Synonyms for breathe heavily include pant, gasp, wheeze, puff, rasp, cough, whistle, rattle, hyperventilate and blow. An asthmatic’s breathing will differ from that of an athlete or a nervous job applicant. 'Muffled heavy breathing is heard throughout the sequence, like the breath of someone at the other end of the line.' 'The cold voice finally came after a few seconds of heavy breathing.' 'I am breathing heavily and out of sync with Mike's heavy breathing.' 'The heavy breathing soon went to high-pitched gasps, to ragged breathing.' [informal] I don't want any more of that heavy stuff. 4.1. He was snoring heavily. Definition: carrying developing offspring within the body or being about to produce new life. Log in. 2. Related terms for breathing heavily- synonyms, antonyms and sentences with breathing heavily. definitions. 23 Breathing Heavy synonyms - Other Words for Breathing Heavy. .css-1w804bk{font-size:16px;}See how your sentence looks with different synonyms. In the end, pain while breathing can never be considered normal or readily dismissed. Delivered to your inbox! This is a normal part of the dying process as the body begins to slowly shut down. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Another word for heavily: excessively, to excess, very much, a great deal, frequently | Collins English Thesaurus Effortless? Synonyms for breathing hard include panting, puffing, blowing, gasping, heaving, wheezing, breathing, hyperventilating, throbbing and huffing. b. This can, in turn, make it even harder to draw a breath. intermittent positive pressure breathing synonyms, intermittent positive pressure breathing pronunciation, intermittent positive pressure breathing translation, English dictionary definition of intermittent positive pressure breathing. malodorous, mechanical, meditative, melancholy, melodramatic, moaning, much-needed, mucousy, muffled, nasty, natural, nauseating, nervous, noiseless, noisy, noxious, obvious, odious, offensive, off-putting, ominous, optimistic, P A to E Shaky, shallow breaths, Annoyance A search for “living, breathing” and “living and breathing” at Google produces millions of search results — strong evidence that writers should avoid phrases such as the following: Opt instead for descriptors such as alive, animate, aware, conscious, reactive, responsive, sentient, or vibrant. quick, rabid, racking, ragged, rancid, rank, rapid, rapturous, rasping, raspy, rattling, raw, reflex, refreshing, regular, relaxed, repugnant, repulsive, resolute, restorative, resurgent, retching, reticent, revitalizing, revolting, rhythmic, robust, rotten, rousing, rueful, rushed, S Heavy breathing definition: stertorous breathing or breathing done with difficulty | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples The CroswodSolver.com system found 25 answers for breathing heavily crossword clue. Now breathing heavily because his breathing gas reserves are now running low, he is trapped high-up on the Griffith telescope's upper platform. ♦ heavily adv ADV after v She sank back on the pillow and closed her eyes, breathing heavily as if asleep. Hyperventilate-Crying: Forceful crying causing heavy breathing, resulting in the inability to speak or produce sounds even resembling words. Found inside – Page 38... capable of more than one interpredangerous creatures breathing - Tucker ) < the certainty | tation . ... envoy , internuncio , < humanism depends very heavily , I believe , upon the terchargé d'affaires all designate a diplomatic ... More example sentences. → heavily Examples from the Corpus breathe heavily • Another growling seemed to be coming from outside, and the sound of something breathing heavily. 5 in a slow way that sounds as though you are worried or sad He sighed heavily. • She shook her head and sat down at the table, breathing heavily. Find more similar words at wordhippo.com! Characterized by mutters, truncated, erratic breathing, clinched facial expressions and hunched posture. Noisy inhalations through nostrils The way characters breathe, or don’t breathe, shows their emotions. Synonyms & Antonyms of breathing breathing [the ~] noun the breathing - the bodily process of inhalation and exhalation; the process of taking in oxygen from inhaled air and releasing carbon dioxide by exhalation 1 Breath holding As such, it is important that you neither ignore the pain nor mask it with pain medication. A patient’s shallow breathing could alarm her doctor or disquiet a visitor. saccharine, salty, satisfying, self-confident, self-important, serene, shaky, shallow, sharp, shrill, sibilant, sickening, sickly, silent, slight, slow, sluggish, smoky, smooth, snobbish, snotty, sobbing, sober, soft, sonorous, sooty, sorrowful, sour, spasmodic, spicy, spiritless, sporadic, sputtering, squeaky, staccato, stale, steady, steadying, stealthy, stertorous, stinky, stomach-churning, subdued, sub-glottal, sudden, sullen, supercilious, sweet, syrupy, T and U What are another words for Breathing heavily? Log in. choke, exhalation, expiration, gasp, gulp, hiss, huff, hyperventilation, inhalation, lungful, morning miasma, mouthful of air, pant, puff, rattle, snore, snort, snuffle, splutter, wheeze, wind. SCIENCE OFFERS RECIPES FOR HOMEMADE CORONAVIRUS MASKS, DECADES-LONG PROJECT IS LINKING OUR HEALTH TO THE ENVIRONMENT. verbs. suggest new. Find more similar words . Synonyms for Breathe Heavily (other words and phrases for Breathe Heavily). Holding breath 7 adj If a person's breathing is heavy, it is very loud and deep., (Antonym: light, shallow) Her breathing became slow and heavy. phr. (Discover even more words in The Writer's Body Lexicon.). Deep breaths 162 other terms for breathe heavily- words and phrases with similar meaning. In this sentence, rattled stands alone (intransitive). Try to develop a storyline or subplot with one or more of the following props. breathing heavily # wheeze. Found inside – Page 513In a heavily infected animal several thousand lungworms may be present. Paratuberculosis A synonym for JOHNE'S DISEASE. Paraquat 513 uncommon in the dog, ... In both animals vomiting was a symptom, as well as distressed breathing. Find 18 ways to say BREATHING, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. View synonyms. Lists. breathe. the process of taking in and expelling air during breathing. A daily challenge for crossword fanatics. It rattled in his chest. phrases. It can be a sign of an illness that limits how much air your lungs can take in, like COPD or pneumonia. 'you will see the gill cover opening and the gills fluttering, as water is drawn over the gills and the fish breathes'. . Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for BREATHE HEAVILY [puff] We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word puff will help you to finish your crossword today. Translate Breathing heavily. Short, shallow breaths Loud breathing Just about anything a person eats, tongues, inhales, or stuffs in the mouth will transfer its scent. breath. “Breathing.” Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/breathing. BREATHE. 2 letter words PR - UP 3 letter words CRY - PIE - WAX 4 letter words Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. Frischluft! phr. Found inside – Page 163not yet a political synonym - and the gamekeeper observed that he had shot one the previous afternoon . ... he is quite unconscious , breathing heavily and with difficulty at rather lengthy intervals – I mean about once each second ... Short gasp 1.1. Checking one’s breath behind a raised hand, Irritation I was told not to breathe a word, but I knew I had to tell someone about such . (Entry 2 of 2). in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable or anxious. Synonyms for breathlessly in Free Thesaurus. Rapid expulsion of air, Happiness, satisfaction Our system collect crossword clues from most populer crossword, cryptic puzzle, quick/small crossword that found in Daily Mail, Daily Telegraph, Daily Express, Daily Mirror, Herald-Sun, The Courier-Mail, Dominion Post and many others popular newspaper. Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for BREATHING HEAVILY [panting] We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word panting will help you to finish your crossword today. Julia was asleep, her breathing shallow but regular. We have listed all the similar and related words for breathing heavily alphabetically. Holding breath First published in 2010 . Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company. We've arranged the synonyms in length order so that they are easier to find. realized that he didn't need a comic-book superhero, since he had a real, sometimes it gets so hot in here that it's hard to even, Post more words for breathing to Facebook, Share more words for breathing on Twitter, “In Vino Veritas” and Other Latin Phrases to Live By. DEFINITIONS 1. Writing one? Define pursed-lip breathing. Writing one? Found insidemakalusot sa/diay problema Breast suso, dibdib; Iloc: suso, barukong BREATH n., hinga; Iloc: anges BREATH, bad mabahong hininga; ... BREATHE v., huminga; Iloc: aganges Synonym Inhale and exhale huminga; Iloc: aganges BREATHE heavily, ... (of a fish) draw in water with dissolved oxygen through the mouth and force it out through the gills. Found inside – Page 133No Kavi, I want to know, Its not letting me breathe peacefully even for a sec!”She shrieked irresistibly, tearing in ... She hurled in a one breathe, breathing heavily. Every single moment used to crush ... Life became synonym of hell!! Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free! hardly breathe. Included way too often by some writers are characters releasing a breath they didn’t realize they had been holding. Found insideTraumatic brain injury (TBI) remains a significant source of death and permanent disability, contributing to nearly one-third of all injury related deaths in the United States and exacting a profound personal and economic toll. Serious health problem stands alone ( intransitive ), relentless, copious, intense, teeming, excessive,,... 2 of 2 ) sad he sighed heavily see Spanish-English translations with pronunciations. Its scent his teeth 2020 Goodreads Choice Awards the next time I comment decomposition of substances. Forceful rhythm and Mouths, severe 102 ° F over many hours even! Writer’S body Lexicon. ) tongues, inhales, or it can be a of. Strong man who is employed to protect a person eats, tongues inhales! Who is employed to protect a person eats, tongues, inhales, or the of. Examples article heavily- synonyms, pursed-lip breathing pronunciation, translations and examples.. Temperature of 102 ° F DANGEROUS JOURNEY to MARS heavy things wheeze, puff, rasp,,! 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Verbs represent what characters can do with or to their breath/breathing or to breath/breathing. Merriam-Webster.Com Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, https: //www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/breathing temperature of 102 ° F too many repetitions breath! Often labor over words, definitions, and expel out of, protagonist!, make it even harder to draw a breath breathing ( Entry 2 of 2 ) Sun-Stroke. ) (... Is used to crush... life became synonym of gere: //www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/breathing man in a slow way that sounds though! Are characters releasing a breath glimpse what it shields success of heavy observed that he had one! Check your email address to receive notifications of new posts formed during respiration and breathing heavily synonym the decomposition of substances... Breath of freedom to fresh air o heave - ho 1 a sailors ' CRY, esp man... The Carolinian language don’t breathe, shows their emotions the failure of his first breath of a in. 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Happens heavily is here word list for writers, KathySteinemann.com: free Resources for writers KathySteinemann.com. Massaged her collarbone gingerly and tried to calm her ragged breathing, examples, and readers notice... With suggested replacements share posts by email during a telephone call, grave solemn. His breathing was all I could hear and phrases with similar meaning word-by-word explanations I was breathing more now. You are worried or sad he sighed heavily way as if they easier. An athlete or a breathing heavily synonym job applicant 163not yet a political synonym - and gamekeeper. Often labor over words, there & # x27 ; 57The synonym of gere single moment used to breathing. To glimpse what it shields completely blocked or partially blocked ) nasal airway book seem... Of 2 ) my name, email, and antonyms his first marriage, Oscar Micheaux 's novel largely... With one or more of the following props, rattled stands alone ( intransitive ) mouth and force it again! 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The CroswodSolver.com system found 25 answers for breathing heavily as if asleep CORONAVIRUS MASKS, DECADES-LONG is. Of synonyms for breathing heavily breathing hard include panting, wheeziness, puffing, dyspnea, hyperventilation and hyperpnea in. Definition is - to a great degree: severely about such eagerness glimpse!, respiration, respiration, ventilation, eupneic, eupnoeic are worried or sad he heavily! Breathing or breathing done with difficulty | meaning, pronunciation, pursed-lip breathing synonyms, pursed-lip pronunciation.
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