Fredericton has a semi-continental climate, with a warm summer and a cold winter. 10 °C. The area within 2 miles of Halifax is covered by artificial surfaces (51%) and water (34%), within 10 miles by trees (54%) and water (23%), and within 50 miles by water (49%) and trees (45%). Found inside â Page 4CLIMATE The climate of Halifax County is continental . There is considerable variation in the seasonal temperatures and a rather wide difference in the mean summer and winter temperatures . The comparatively short winters are not ... The numbers here describe what the weather in Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada was like for every year since 2010 with complete data. Includes Daily Risk of Precipitation, High/Low/Average Temperatures, Heating/Cooling Degree Days and Growing Degree Days. Sea Temperature 16 °C 61 °F. November is the most wet month. Halifax experiences significant seasonal variation in monthly rainfall. Click on each chart for more information. The warm season lasts for 3.2 months, from June 15 to September 21, with an average daily high temperature above 66°F. Monthly averages Moses Lake Longitude: -119.278, Latitude: 47.1301 Average weather Moses Lake, - 98837. of rain. The cold season lasts for 3.4 months, from December 9 to March 21, with an average daily high temperature . In Halifax, the summers are comfortable, the winters are freezing and windy, and it is partly cloudy year round. A Bible Hill man, currently incarcerated in the federal Springhill Institution, has elected to be tried by judge alone in the Nova Scotia Supreme Court on alleged sexual assault charges involving two women. The vertical gray bars (new Moons) and blue bars (full Moons) indicate key Moon phases. Halifax - Recent Annual Temperatures, Rain & Snow. Every winter, people from all over the world travel to Yukon in the far north of Canada for the International Hair Freezing Contest that is held there since 2011. Based on growing degree days alone, the first spring blooms in Halifax should appear around May 28, only rarely appearing before May 19 or after June 6. Found inside â Page 341S. E. Wright , of the S. S. Carroll , reports , May 31 : " Ice - bound in Halifax harbor since 20th ; the ice has ... The distribution of mean temperature over the United States for the month of May , 1882 , is exbibited on Chart II by ... precipitation 80mm (50mm below avg. The climate in Halifax is cold and temperate. Found inside â Page 8CLIMATE . In the absence of a local Weather Bureau station , the following climatological data are compiled from the records ... and annual temperature and precipitation at Weldon , Halifax County . Temperature . Precipitation . Month . Month Selection. July is the hottest month for Halifax County with an average high temperature of 87.6°, which ranks it as warmer than most places in Virginia. temperature 19°C (1°C above avg.) * Data from weather station: Halifax, Canada. While having the tremendous advantages of temporal and spatial completeness, these reconstructions: (1) are based on computer models that may have model-based errors, (2) are coarsely sampled on a 50 km grid and are therefore unable to reconstruct the local variations of many microclimates, and (3) have particular difficulty with the weather in some coastal areas, especially small islands. Winters are sunnier and summers less sunny … more. Winds light and variable. 0 mm. Jul. Past Weather in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada — Yesterday and Last 2 Weeks. The darker period of the year lasts for 3.6 months, from October 31 to February 16, with an average daily incident shortwave energy per square meter below 2.4 kWh. Staying in Halifax? The growing season in Halifax typically lasts for 6.4 months (197 days), from around April 24 to around November 7, rarely starting before April 9 or after May 10, and rarely ending before October 22 or after November 23. To show variation within the months and not just the monthly totals, we show the rainfall accumulated over a sliding 31-day period centered around each day of the year. Our precipitation score, which is based on the three-hour precipitation centered on the hour in question, is 10 for no precipitation, falling linearly to 9 for trace precipitation, and to 0 for 0.04 inches of precipitation or more. Our cloud cover score is 10 for fully clear skies, falling linearly to 9 for mostly clear skies, and to 1 for fully overcast skies. Found inside â Page 9Being a Diary of a Winter's Route from Halifax to the Canadas, and During Four Months' Residence in the Woods on the ... I had remained very few days at my hotel , when the weather became overcast , with inthe weather and temperature in ... Found inside â Page 4CLIMATE The climate of Halifax County is continental . There is considerable variation in the seasonal temperatures and a rather wide difference in the mean summer and winter temperatures . The comparatively short winters are not ... Winds WNW at 5 to 10 mph. Passing clouds. But that kind of heat is uncommon. 77° 62 . Do not forget to take with you warm clothes! The windier part of the year lasts for 6.5 months, from October 2 to April 17, with average wind speeds of more than 9.5 miles per hour. The clearer part of the year in Halifax begins around June 20 and lasts for 4.7 months, ending around November 12. Over the course of the year, the temperature typically varies from 18°F to 74°F and is rarely below 4°F or above 81°F. The earliest sunset is at 4:33 PM on December 9, and the latest sunset is 4 hours, 30 minutes later at 9:03 PM on June 26. As of July 2020, Statistics Canada estimated the population of the CMA at 448,544. 66.7 mph from 293 ° (WNW) on 30 at 17:47. Lower dew points feel drier and higher dew points feel more humid. The South Nahanni in the northwest of Canada is one of the most impressive wilderness rivers in the world. The least rain falls around February 7, with an average total accumulation of 1.8 inches. It may not be beach weather, but frequent sunshine makes the city's boutique-lined waterfront and . By the end of September in Halifax, fall is well on its way and autumnal colors begin to appear. Get the historical monthly weather forecast for Halifax, NS, CA . Found inside â Page 4CLIMATE The climate of Halifax County is continental . There is considerable variation in the seasonal temperatures and a rather wide difference in the mean summer and winter temperatures . The comparatively short winters are not ... Found inside â Page 26The following table shows the average daytime temperatures and precipitation levels in Halifax, which gives you a rough ... Table 3-1 Halifax's Temperature and Precipitation Month Daytime Mean Temperature Total Monthly Precipitation ... Values are calculated based on the data over the past 10 years. The percentage of hours in which the mean wind direction is from each of the four cardinal wind directions, excluding hours in which the mean wind speed is less than. Shiraoi, Japan (6,226 miles away) is the far-away foreign place with temperatures most similar to Halifax (view comparison). The topography within 2 miles of Halifax contains only modest variations in elevation, with a maximum elevation change of 223 feet and an average elevation above sea level of 63 feet. 61°F. The average water temperature experiences significant seasonal variation over the course of the year. Discover plant-based sunglasses built for life outdoors at Zeal Optics. Imprisoned Bible Hill man facing additional criminal charges including sexual assault. Halifax is located near a large body of water (e.g., ocean, sea, or large lake). This month should be avoided if you are not a big fan of rain. Based on this score, the best time of year to visit Halifax for general outdoor tourist activities is from early July to early September, with a peak score in the second week of August. Found inside â Page 276There are preparations by means of which oysters or clams or fish can be kept in solutions for six months without getting ... You use a freezing mixture of salt and ice powdered fine , this mixture producing a temperature of 20 degrees ... Calendar Month Picker. Halifax, Nova Scotia - Travel and vacation weather averages, current conditions and forecasts. Found inside â Page 30It will be seen that in the cold month of January Hull has the warmer climate , April and July rather colder , October rather warmer . Table VI . - Mean Temperature . Hull , Halifax , 2 Years . York , Keyingham , 25 Years . 2 Years . This section reports on the wide-area average surface temperature of that water. We assume no responsibility for any decisions made on the basis of the content presented on this site. Halifax does not experience significant seasonal variation in the frequency of wet days (i.e., those with greater than 0.04 inches of liquid or liquid-equivalent precipitation). Winter (November - February): The cold . Found inside â Page 30Halifax Antiquarian Society ... For note on the Haley Hill Literary and Scientific Society , its Museum , etc. , see " Halifax Naturalist , â vol . vi . ... Table of Mean Daily Range of Temperature for each month during the Year . 4. Days per month in Halifax above 10 or 20 °C. Halifax Weather September Averages, Canada. The percentage of time spent at various humidity comfort levels, categorized by dew point. Found inside â Page 5963 ° 36 ' W. Compiled from the monthly weather review published by the M. & F. Departnient . PRECIPITATION AT HALIFAX , N. S. Table showing the monthly. PRESSURE . TEMPERATURE . NO . OF HOURS WIND BLEW FROM PRECIPITATION . 1910 . Found inside â Page 136The cold temperatures in Halifax also continues a pattern established in 1994 . Scotian Shelf and Gulf of Maine Coastal Sea Surface Temperatures Monthly averages of sea surface temperature ( SST ) derived from continuous thermograph ... Each region has historical data for a 30 year baseline period (1961 . Show in Fahrenheit, The average monthly total hours of sunshine over the year, The mean percent of sunhours during the day over the year, The mean monthly precipitation over the year, including rain, snow, hail etc. Monthly Weather-Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. 17° 12° 3. The length of the day in Halifax varies significantly over the course of the year. Snow depths of greater than 1 cm are seen on about 85 days each year in Halifax. On average, 283 cm (111 in) of snow fall per year. The highest temperature ever recorded in Halifax was 37.2 °C (99 °F) on July 10, 1912, and the lowest was −29.4 °C (−21 °F) on Feb 18, 1922. The lowest monthly average temperature in Halifax for January is 31.6 degrees. The windiest day of the year is January 13, with an average hourly wind speed of 11.8 miles per hour. Found inside â Page 210 ° 33 in . at Croydon ; 0.31 in . at Stonyhurst ; and 0 27 in . at Halifax and Hull . ... and there were only 12 in inces of as high or higher mean high day temperature for the month of July back to the year 1841 , viz . The average high during this season is between 45.6°F (7.6°C) and 30.7°F (-0.7°C). 29. The northern lights, polar light or Aarora Borealis is a true spectacle of nature! Halifax, Nova Scotia - Travel and vacation weather averages, current conditions and forecasts. The regional municipality consists of four former municipalities . Found inside â Page 82Figure 2 Monthly mean atmospheric temperatures for Bergen, Norway and Halifax, Nova Scotia. Description Figure 2 This line graph shows the change in mean atmospheric temperature during a year for Halifax and Bergen. Halifax weather by month. High. The cold season lasts for 3.4 months, from December 9 to March 21, with an average daily high temperature below 40°F. This page lets you compare and contrast the weather and climate in Toronto and Halifax year round. Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada - Monthly weather averages including average high and low Temperature, Precipitation, Pressure, Wind Charts to assist you in planning your travel, holiday or an outdoor activity at Halifax, Canada Weather is far too cold this time of year in Halifax to be enjoyable for warm weather travelers. Country: Canada, City: Halifax. The average daily shortwave solar energy reaching the ground per square meter (orange line), with 25th to 75th and 10th to 90th percentile bands. Sat , 4 Sep. 16° C 61° F. A mix of sun and cloud. Found inside â Page 112The farther you go westward the better the climate beIn the neighbourhood of lake Ontario the winter is quite mild ... in Upper Canada with the following , given by Mr. Head , as the vicissitudes experienced at Halifax in Nova Scotia . Found inside â Page 4CLIMATE The climate of Halifax County is continental . There is considerable variation in the seasonal temperatures and a rather wide difference in the mean summer and winter temperatures . The comparatively short winters are not ... The average liquid-equivalent snowfall (solid line) accumulated over the course of a sliding 31-day period centered on the day in question, with 25th to 75th and 10th to 90th percentile bands. Tide Times are ADT (UTC -3.0hrs). The estimated value at Halifax is computed as the weighted average of the individual contributions from each station, with weights proportional to the inverse of the distance between Halifax and a given station. including sunrise/sunset and moon phases. Detailed ⚡ Halifax Weather Forecast for June 2021 - day/night ️ temperatures, precipitations - Get in touch with us now. Values are calculated based on the data over the past 10 years. Still, a thirty-plus day can show up anytime from May to September. (Weather station: Halifax International Airport, Canada). The hottest day of the year is August 2, with an average high of 74°F and low of 61°F. Sunny into the afternoon. Found inside â Page 140TEMPERATURE IN DEGREES - FAHRENHEIT Mean annual temperature Highest temperature during year Lowest Halifax . 45.81 83.80 -- 8.00 St. John . ... 42.66 43.64 86.70 80.80 - 12:00 - 14:00 MEAN TEMPERATURE BY SEASONS OF THREE MONTHS Spring . The warm season lasts for 3.2 months, from June 15 to September 21, with an average daily high temperature above 66°F. Submit. We recognize our responsibility to use data and technology for good. Halifax experiences some seasonal variation in monthly liquid-equivalent snowfall. Disturbed, changeable weather is common throughout the year. Halifax weather, Lower Burdekin, QLD - 7-day weather forecast and current temperature and Townsville weather radar Our tourism temperature score is 0 for perceived temperatures below 50°F, rising linearly to 9 for 65°F, to 10 for 75°F, falling linearly to 9 for 80°F, and to 1 for 90°F or hotter. 24 Hour Graph of this day is not available (20200130.gif) Average and Extremes for Month of January 2020 up to day 30. The air quality index in Halifax is 12% better than the national average. Year Selection Submit. Elevation data comes from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) , published by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. In July, the warmest month, the average day time temperature rises to 89.1°F. Precipitation. Maps are © Esri, with data from National Geographic, Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, UNEP-WCMC, USGS, NASA, ESA, METI, NRCAN, GEBCO, NOAA, and iPC. Thousands of bears gather at the small town of Churchill. During the month of June, July and August you are most likely to experience good weather with pleasant average temperatures that fall between 20 degrees Celsius (68°F) and 25 degrees Celsius (77°F). 23° 16° 4. Daytime maximum temperatures average around 19°C (66°F), whilst at night 10°C (50°F) is normal. Temperature (°F) 0 0.2 . Halifax tide chart key: The tide chart above shows the height and times of high tide and low tide for Halifax, Nova Scotia. The coldest day of the year is January 30, with an average low of 18°F and high of 32°F. Sep. Sun Mon Tue Wed thu Fri Sat. Precipitation. The percentage of time spent in various temperature bands. 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