It appears as though the bomb was developed within the framework of a covert project funded by Riyadh. After the price collapse in April 2020, petrostates will find themselves dependent on a volatile (at best) oil market that will prove the determining factor for whether or not they will be able to balance their annual budget. While the Muslim Brotherhood’s Islamist wave appears to be on the ebb since President Mohamed Morsi’s overthrow in 2013, it is possible that some other form of radical Islam or even some altogether different radical ideological current will rise. Jul 7, 2020.…. 2015. Television, Radio and Films were dominated by Jews then, but are more strongly in support Israel now, from ownership, to management, to news direction. The letter warned Ford against making any changes in the strong US-Israel relationship. During this time, Iran gravitates away from Europe and toward the orbits of Russia and China. First, what quickly becomes apparent in assessments of the future is the tendency of authors, regardless of when they are writing,13 to include assumptions that their subject is in a unique state of flux. Accelerating changes in recent years, including massive increases in the amount, variety, and tempo of information available, the rate of technological advances, climate change, and the interconnectivity and interdependencies between distant geographical locations further increase the level of uncertainty regarding the future. “The use and abuse of scenarios.” McKinsey & Company. The Assad regime in Syria is once more welcomed back into the Arab League in exchange for efforts to reduce Iranian influence and activities on its territory. As a “neutral” scenario could not be focused, readable, and useful if it lists every development in a given country or region even over the course of a single day, the focus and priorities of the scenario must be limited in scope and defined by the perspective from which it is written. The U.S. bipartisan consensus regarding Israel continues to erode, as hardline Democrats and Republicans grow disillusioned with traditional alliances. The U.S. administration is committed to tackling Middle Eastern challenges through proactive diplomacy. In 2005 alone, more than 100 members of Congress visited Israel, some several times. For them, that is the story of the Second World War. Today, it works very closely with police departments across the country, educating them on so-called "hate crimes" and routinely sends groups US police officials on free trips to Israel to learn how to respond to "terrorist attacks." Growth trends and population forecasts have played a significant role in the political landscape of the Middle East, especially over the thorny question of Israel and the disputed territories. Israel is a staunch supporter of this process, but as a condition for its implementation had to agree to end its airstrikes in Syria. “Making great power competition the primary prism of the U.S. policy in the region could destabilize its traditional alliances and put it in a position of disadvantage in that very competition.”. Deterioration of the regional economy/order might bring opportunities to diminish major military threats to Israel at reduced costs or increase its regional footprint through deeper intra-regional cooperation. On Monday, May 24, the New York Times published an article indicating that the level of US influence in the Middle East is declining as Israel gains economic and geopolitical independence. 31. The global economic recovery lags because of setbacks in bringing an end to the COVID-19 health crisis. Merriam-Webster. American forces withdraw from Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan, and their presence in the Gulf is reduced. The Israel-Palestine conflict has been a constant presence in the Middle East since Israel’s independence in 1948. This book is a chapter-by-chapter analysis and documentation of the power of Israel via the Israeli, Jewish or Pro-Zionist Lobby on US Middle East policy. All our prints receive a final lamination finish from Kala with hot and cold lamination to give it a clear bounding with a different finish like satin, matt, or glossy. This timing, in addition to the social and economic crises ripping through Lebanon, is identified by Israel as an opportunity to take military action to degrade Hezbollah’s military capabilities and the Iranian nuclear project. © 2021 Trinity Media UAE | All rights reserved. In the second half of the decade, Israel capitalizes on the relative weakness of Egypt and the Gulf states in order to expand cooperation with them. The factors influencing the future can be identified through methods known as “trends impact” and “horizon scanning.”5 “Trends impact” focuses primarily on identifying existing and continuing currents that could influence the future. Previously, he had a 21-year career in the IDF, mainly in the Israeli Defense Intelligence (Aman). Middle East Institute Israel is “asked” by Washington to cut its commercial and security ties with China and Russia, and the partial nature of its acquiescence creates a great deal of friction in the U.S.-Israel relationship, exacts economic costs vis-à-vis China, and complicates Israel’s ongoing air campaign in Syria. In many respects this book represents a considerable departure from traditional works on international relations in the Middle East. May 14, 2019.…. In addition, greater internal stability could make key actors in the Middle East more assertive toward Israel. What was thought necessary was for Jewish groups to create a supra-organizational structure that would work to ensure that no sector of American life would be immune from its influence. In the academic arena, the AJC and Campus Watch have been pushing Congress to pass legislation that would require monitoring of Middle East studies in the universities to make sure that professors are not indoctrinating their students with anti-Israel or anti-US "propaganda." Its targets include Jews opposed either to Israel's existence as a Jewish state, such as myself and others who are simply outraged by Israel's continuing occupation and theft of Palestinian land, and the deadly means with which both are carried out, held in check only by the mild restraints of the international community. For example, the NIC’s 2004 report notes that one uncertainty for the future is the “Extent to which [Internet] connectivity challenges governments.” It is now clear that despite the short period in which social media exclusively enabled the public to organize against regimes, the connectedness and “smartness” of daily life — from iPhones to cashless payment to apps — has since evolved into a force multiplier that on balance favors totalitarian governments. This is a prime source of pro-Israel propaganda and influence. Fulbright, an Arkansas Democrat, chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations initiated a series of hearings concerning the activities of foreign agents in the US to determine if more restrictive laws needed to be put in place. One of Washington’s key aims in the Middle East is limiting Chinese and (secondarily) Russian influence. Today, it is the lobby's unofficial foreign office, and until recently was largely content to work behind the scenes pressuring foreign governments in behalf of Israel. From the American perspective, putting too much emphasis on great power competition could backfire on its other important regional assets. Nevertheless, scenarios are an indispensable and creative mechanism that produces what is known as “interesting research” 9 (that which is innovative and more likely to produce learning), broadens thinking about future possibilities, and helps to prevent group-think. It conducts research and education in the social sciences, primarily in economics (and tax policy), metropolitan policy, governance, foreign policy, global economy, and economic development. The Iranian-Arab faultline in the region revives Arab nationalism and efforts to increase economic, political, and military cooperation between Arab states. Christian religious groups have been a challenge for the lobby as various denominations have, over the years, sought to take a balanced position on the Israel-Palestine conflict. Academia has long been a major battle ground between the Zionists and supporters of Palestine. It is often valuable for this reason to get feedback and inputs from a diverse group on scenarios as they are being formulated. Regime change in the Islamic Republic of Iran does not guarantee that Tehran’s regional or nuclear ambitions will be curbed. It also shows how the erosion of the U.S.-Israeli alliance and the emergence of a new regional security architecture could result in additional security challenges for Israel. It is interesting to note that in 1971, three years before Chomsky published his first book on the subject, Roger Hilsman, who had been a State Department official in charge of intelligence under the Kennedy administration wrote : "It is obvious to even the most casual observer, for example, that United States foreign policy in the Middle East, where oil reigns supreme, has been more responsive to the pressures of the American Jewish community and their natural desire to support Israel than it has to American oil interests.". “U.S. “Since well before 2015, when it intervened in the Syrian civil war, Russia has been seeking additional outlets for its military and economic influence in the Middle East,” it reads. Although the United States is a strong supporter of Israel, it has traditionally tried to advance a diplomatic solution that would reconcile the competing claims of the two parties. Wider international opposition to the US decision continued in the weeks that followed. However, the glut in production and the decline in demand mean that prices do not shoot up and remain at or around 2019 levels. Noted history writer Alan Axelrod breaks down the political and cultural stereotypes and helps readers not only understand what has happened in the last 100 years, but why it has happened, who was involved, and what might happen in the ... The U.S. administration is committed to tackling Middle Eastern challenges through proactive diplomacy. In recent years, Israel and Arab Gulf states have discreetly cultivated closer relations “Futures Thinking Methodologies – Options Relevant For “Schooling For Tomorrow”. Not since the Israel-Jordan peace treaty was signed more than 25 years ago has so much progress been made towards peace in the Middle East. It is also important to note that he strongly opposes any form of economic pressure being brought against Israel, be it, boycott, divestment, or South African type sanctions. Trinity Media is one of the most trusted digital printing companies in Dubai, UAE. This leads to a decline in the interest of great powers in the region. The first priority on the Israeli national security agenda is to prevent nuclearization by any Middle Eastern country. This figure does not include the costs of $19 billion in loan guarantees to Israel since 1991, the billions of taxpayers dollars invested in Israeli government bonds by union pension funds, individual states and county and city governments, nor the billions in tax-exempt donations by American Jews to quasi governmental Israeli agencies and charities since Israel became a state. It only seems so, he insists, because its positions tend to agree with those of America's ruling elites. 12. The 1948 War (May 1948 - July 1949) With the declaration of the creation of Israel, several Arab states declared war. Increased Middle East instability would not seem to be to Israel’s advantage. In the early Eighties, it became the first organization to publish a list of pro-Arab professors and activists and distribute it to their members and to the media. 35. Being expected to intervene diplomatically or militarily in too many situations at once inevitably risks … Therefore, this article refrains from attempts at prophecy but deals instead with “thinking about the future.” It opens with an analytical framework for scenario development, supplemented by “trends impact” and “horizon scanning.” The second section studies “the futures of the past,” in terms of what we might learn about the pitfalls of future projection and scenario-building from those outlining possible futures for 2020 from years past. Despite Iran’s provocative activities in the conventional realm, it puts its nuclear ambitions on hold temporarily to avoid unintentionally inviting an airstrike by the U.S. or Israel. California Governor Arnold Shwarznegger and New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, a non-practicing Jew, did the same. “Rising Sea Levels Threaten Egypt’s Alexandria.” VOA News. The answer lies in the power of Zionist organizations in American politics, whose role throughout the "peace process" has never been sufficiently addressed—a neglect that is absolutely astonishing, given the policy of the PLO has been in essence to throw our fate as a people into the lap of the United States, without any strategic awareness of how American policy is dominated by a small minority whose views about the Middle East are in some ways more extreme than those of Likud itself. That is meant to indicate that they are more concerned with the welfare of Israel than they are with that of their fellow Americans. For example, the Desert Caucus will send money to congressional candidates or an incumbent Senate or House members in Illinois or New Jersey, based solely on their positions on Israel. The U.S. government continues to speak publicly about the ideals of human rights and democracy, including in ways that pertain to the Middle East, but in practice applies minimal pressure on Arab rulers to adopt those principles. 1. The Middle Eastern regimes’ incompetent handling of the COVID-19 crisis along with worsening structural economic problems leads to a growing sense of frustration among the populations. Schoemaker and George S. Day. It is an extraordinary figure you realize that Jews make up but 2.3 % of the American population. Throughout the years 2026-27, Turkey and the Gulf states take steps to undermine the success of the new nuclear deal due to Iran’s continued meddling in the region. Since the start of the crisis in early 2020, economic institutions have frequently updated their forecasts based on projected energy use and the global economic recovery.19 Political, military, and social aspects of regional dynamics in the Middle East remain volatile. The relative prosperity in the region due to continued high oil prices and remittances from the Gulf leads Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE to invest in more advanced and intrusive surveillance technology. Authors' note: We would like to thank Mr. David Shedd, former acting director of the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency, Mr. Elisha Stoin of Israel’s Ministry of Intelligence, and Mr. Steven Kenney of the Middle East Institute for their important advice and thoughtful input on the monumental task of thinking about the future. Radical Islamic groups are viewed by growing numbers of the general public as attractive anti-regime alternatives. The keynote address is usually given by the President, the Vice-President or the Secretary of State. I'll not go through all the rest of AZC's program except to point out that its liaisons with the African-American community, and more recently with the emerging Latin-American population, have been of major importance to the lobby's leadership. Therefore, it is difficult to imagine that the next decade will see significant progress in closing those gaps, and some of the world’s most fragile states that are situated in the Middle East might become further destabilized or involved in inter-state conflicts.28. Although Israel appeared to weather the storm of the last few years in the Middle East by choosing a cynical but pragmatic path of no peace negotiations and no … March 30, 2020.…. Geared with a skilled team and latest technology we create an invincible workforce that is determined to provide you with high quality prints. OECD. The first item was magazines and cultivating their editors. “Middle East Demographics of 2030.” The Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies. The retaliation would come later. Very friendly staff, Great and quick service, Excellent quality of work, Keep it up…. 20. Drawing on a well-organized, well-connected, highly visible and wealthy Jewish population, AIPAC inspires an awed fear and respect across the political spectrum. Changes in the dynamics of great power competition in the Middle East might bring about significant changes in the structure of regional camps, which will not necessarily prove helpful for advancing Israel’s core national security interests. For example, the NIC correctly noted that globalization could lead to the rise of populism and pointed to Latin America as the likely place for that to emerge. This book, first published in 1991, examines in detail superpower-client relations in the Middle East. Peace will be unattainable if Israel is weak or perceived to be so. Although the Iranian presence in Syria is initially reduced, it is gradually reconstituted in the years that followed and Israel found itself unable to militarily intervene in order to prevent that. Rafael Ramirez, Malobi Mukherjee, et al. One of Washington’s key aims in the Middle East is limiting Chinese and (secondarily) Russian influence. “Emerging technologies: New challenges to global stability.” The Atlantic Council. Israel’s relations in the Middle East, explained. 1 Egypt and Jordan. In the first decades after declaring independence in 1948, Israel and neighboring Arab-majority states fought a series of wars. Then ... 2 Morocco and Tunisia. 3 The Persian Gulf states. 4 Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and the Kurds. 5 Iran and Turkey. In the arena of foreign policy, no lobby has proved more powerful than that of the organized American Jewish community in support of Israel; what is generally referred to as the Israel Lobby and in the halls of Congress, simply as "the lobby." While it is true that populism emerged in Latin America, its appeal to those left behind by globalization proved to be global in nature, including — unexpectedly though perhaps more importantly — in the U.S. Also, we have best Digital Printing Press in Dubai, Al Quoz, UAE. Add to Basket. Trinity Media LLC team are always willing to help deliver projects with tight deadlines. The American Jewish Committee was founded by German Jews in 1906 and was firmly anti-Zionist until the events of the Second World War and the Jewish Holocaust led it to change its position. Those were their targets 44 years ago. The aim of examining “futures of the past” is certainly not to point out what some might view as errors. The following article addresses the question of how the Middle East might develop in the coming decade. For 12 years, the United States has been trying to disengage from the Middle East. Karsh contends that the influence of the Great Powers has not been the primary force behind the Middle East's political development, nor the main cause of its famous volatility. Johnson Administration: 1963–1968 . Daniel Rakov is a research fellow at the INSS. The names of the congress members who show up are publicized on AIPAC's web site, which enhances their status among major Jewish donors. “Given the tendency to underestimate continuity, in moments when radical change feels imminent it is worth recalling that much often remains the same over time.”, Drawing up different scenarios has been described by Brig. The scenarios are exploratory, rather than predictive or normative,20 meaning that they aim to answer the question of what can happen rather than what will or what should. This doesn't bode well for what is left of America's civil liberties. In addition to these major trends, we see a number of potential “game-changer” developments that could emerge over the next decade, partly influenced by the trends but also partly independent of them. receive the latest by email: subscribe to the free mef mailing list, ©1994-2021 The Middle East Forum   •   E-mail:   •   Tel: 1 (215) 546-5406, receive the latest by email: subscribe to the free mef, Moonlighting: Non-Specialists in the News, Prof Defends Hamas, Attacks Israel in the Name of Liberal Islam, The Palestinian Solidarity Statement I'd Like to See, Biden Should Allow Investigations of Academe's Foreign Funding Scandals to Proceed, Erdoğan Spokesman İbrahim Kalin Has Left Georgetown, but Not Because He Wasn't Welcome, SFSU President Lynn Mahoney: Terrorist Leila Khaled's Enabler, Why Doug Lamborn Referred SFSU's President for Prosecution, Cancelled Palestine Conference Promised Violent, Anti-Israel Propaganda. Once in Congress, members can be assured of more free trips to Israel arranged through the American Israel Education Fund, a foundation set up by AIPAC for that purpose. Every president beginning with Richard Nixon has made at least a half-hearted effort to get Israel to leave the West Bank, Gaza, and the Golan Heights, not for the benefit of the Palestinians, but to improve America's regional interests and each has been thwarted by the lobby. To be sure, Iranians should blame themselves for the explosive momentum of Israel in finding new anchors of influence in the region. The “Abraham Accords” do not constitute an irreversible change in the dynamics between Israel and Arab countries or entirely disconnect these relations from the Palestinian issue. Accessed February 18, 2021. Scenario development is one of the most popular methodologies to investigate the future, and various methods have been developed to build and map scenarios.3 The basic concept evolved from business practitioners, with the most famous method being the matrix introduced by Royal Dutch Shell and refined later in Global Business Network (GBN). How should that influence how policymakers today respond to or prepare for the scenarios? MIT Sloan Management Review defines a weak signal as follows: “A seemingly random or disconnected piece of information that at first appears to be background noise but can be recognized as part of a significant pattern by viewing it through a different frame or connecting it with other pieces of information.” From Paul J.H. One need look no further than the World Economic Forum’s report on global risks published in January 2020.1 It assessed the likelihood of an infectious disease outbreak or instability in the global energy market as relatively unlikely, even though both ended up happening less than two months after the report’s publication. During the Cold War, Israel aligned itself with the U.S.-led order while nearby Middle Eastern states joined the Soviet sphere. S dam-building program could generate fresh conflict in the region our fully equipped in-house production house where... Represents a considerable departure from traditional works on International relations in the region we are best digital printing services energies. States joined the Soviet Union thousands of Hezbollah targets in Lebanon,,! Nationalism and efforts to increase economic, political and economic contexts the bomb developed... 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