That takes a lot of effort. I want to-- show that again. Place your left foot in its final position, then set your right foot the same distance from the target line, so your stance is square. Here at RotarySwing, talk is cheap and the proof is always in the pudding. We're after one thing: Real Results - Real Fast. One is trajectory. In Kinetic Golf, Nick Bradley uses 115 extraordinary photographs, accompanied by clear, direct text, to raise the bar on golf instruction and give golfers—amateur or professional—a unique way of actually feeling their way to mastering ... Do it correctly, and the right side stays passive. All we need to do is, as we're going back, that left arm rotates a little bit and now I'm on plane. The bones of the shoulder are covered by several layers of soft tissues. Swinging over the top isn’t only for those with a poor backswing. Continue to push up from your left foot and pull your left shoulder up and behind you. Separate your hips and shoulders Here is another drill that can help you separate your hips and shoulders in the downswing. Using the RICE (rest, ice, compression, and elevation) method is an excellent way to manage an injury, especially hip bursitis from golf. For amateurs who tend to be slicers, this is going to feel different. As you twist your right foot, you’ll create a combination of left-to-right and rotational momentum in your shift. For more news that golfers everywhere are talking about, follow @golf_com on Twitter, like us on Facebook, and subscribe to our YouTube video channel. If you start to feel like you're on top of the ball, this is the feeling, if you've heard of "covering the ball," and having your shoulder work down, having your chest feel like it's on top of the ball. If you don’t control your left (target side) shoulder properly, it will lift towards your ear at the beginning of the downswing, which prevents you shifting over to your left side properly, greatly reducing efficiency and power, and putting enormous stress on your lower back as you “hang back” on your right side through impact. Lohren, a highly respected player, became an instant hit as a teacher. But for once you will finally understand what really controls the ball flight. The faster you spin, the more you cast it. If you're really tired of struggling with golf and want to become the ball striker you've always dreamed of, click here to learn about our Premium Membership options. As Tiger uses the proper musculature of the left arm to help move the club back down in front of the body, he has the ability to bring his hands much more down on top of the ball, creating a sharp descending blow which allows him to flight the ball very low without making excessive compensations in his setup or golf swing. Suitable for left or right arm/shoulder injuries, arm slings reduces stress and helps encourage the correct alignment of the joint by stabilising the forearm against the body. As we get to the top, now my arm is in this position, versus neutral. We don't want that, obviously. There are four things that occur on the backswing if you start with the left shoulder: 1) The body stays in the area it started, so you remain centered for solid contact. Well, the appearance is that it's working down to the ball. There isn’t a power hitter alive who doesn’t crank his right foot in the transition. Instead of getting into this impact position where all of your speed and energy is expended here, and everything's fully released, when you're late the club head doesn't fully release at max speed until out here. In the downswing, the flared left foot: Promotes a “spinning out” of the left hip. Part 2 of “speed, power & distance in the golf swing” deals with the body movements nearing the top of the backswing and the transition to downswing and pre impact . It is an axiom that two opposite ends of any rotating motion must move opposite one another. When we talk about ball flight there a couple things that we are specifically dealing with. Without a club, swing back using a proper pull back to elongate your right side. I model it after the legendary Ben Hogan. Junior Golfer with correct shoulder & hip rotation. Now that you’ve generated lots of ball-smashing energy, it’s time to “jump” through impact. How do these $16 PING Zing 2 irons compare to my gamers? Do 2 to 3 sets of 8 to 16 repetitions on each side. Wrote Deane Beman, the former U.S. You want the wrist flat, the elbow pointing about 90 degrees away from the body, so it's internally rotated about 90 degrees, and then we're starting to get into impact. The Position of Your Left Hip at Address. That doesn't mean you're going to go out and do it perfectly every time - that's where the repetition comes in, and the practice - but what you are going to find is that for once you're going to start to really understand what controls the ball flight. Keep trying, and you’ll have it down pat. For a big guy he has huge flexibility in his left arm and is able to extend it absolutely straight like a very long lever all the way around. The golf swing is a walking motion and the last time I looked my hips don’t walk and so the ankles and knees must coordinate the weight transfer for knee, hip, back longevity. We've eliminated one variable in the swing, and now we just have this guy. Notice how the angle between Sergio’s left arm and the clubshaft hasn’t changed in the photos above. We want this rotating gradually throughout the whole downswing in a natural rotation, so that it doesn't have something where you're just trying to flip it at the last second. Place the right ankle on the outside of the left knee. You want to be starting to rotate it shut, or back to square, early. It's similar to the Right Arm Only Downswing Drill, in that it's pretty hard to do it with one arm only, but this is a great way to train it and get your left arm working correctly, but don't try to hit them far. Many golfers make the mistake of beginning to rotate their hips, but not continuing to do so throughout the downswing, according to golf instructor Jim McLean. It's going to take reps in order to get comfortable with this, but as you start doing it you're going to find, "Oh, my gosh. Obviously, this has got to come out of the box a little bit. That's how they should be. No Thanks! Important: Fight the urge to come out of your posture. Symptoms: Pain in the shoulder or upper arm at various phases of the golf swing, night pain, pain with overhead activities. If you've looked at some of the videos I've done on Tiger Woods' dynamics on YouTube - the video has been seen a million times - where people have looked at, the positions that he's in at address and at impact are very, very different. What we do want to do is actually the opposite. The golf swing tends to be a lot of opposite motions to produce the desired motion. The result typically is a weak slice. I'm not consciously trying to put my shoulder down. The object of this book is to show that the mechanism of the golf swing depends on “forearm,” rather than on “wrist,” action. The proof of this proposition is set out in the following pages. This upward push instantly gets your left shoulder moving back, down and out, like Sergio’s. You are now in a perfectly sound and naturally correct backswing position. We are going... – VOTED #1 GOLF SITE! click here to learn about our Premium Membership options. Well it's very simple; that feels very powerful, and in fact your body is putting a lot of muscular effort into it, but there's two things that happen and they're detrimental to the golf swing. Key move: Shift pressure to your right foot, then to your left. Quinton knew a better way had to exist to learn this game we all love. How to stop coming over the top: Left hip bump. IF YOU ARE A CALIFORNIA RESIDENT AND WOULD LIKE TO EXERCISE YOUR RIGHT TO OPT-OUT OF THIRD-PARTY DATA SHARING, YOU MAY DO SO HERE: DO NOT SELL MY PERSONAL INFORMATION. I'm going to put a shaft here. You can make huge improvements in your golf swing today! This puts them in a position where the club is rotating closed rapidly through impact; it is very difficult to time and unnecessary. Ross Kinnaird/Getty Images. Not only does it create the right backswing sequence, it prompts the lower body to start the downswing and sets the club on an inside path to impact. The left arm role in the golf swing cannot be overstated when it comes to the direction the ball flies. The shoulders and chest have come right the way through with the right shoulder now closer to the target than the left. That's how the left arm works in the golf swing. One is trajectory. Today, we are going to talk about specifically what the left hand and arm do in the golf swing. In the ideal iron backswing, the left shoulder doesn’t just move back, as you’ve been told; it moves back, down and out. Once you feel pressure under your right foot, use it to push upward toward your right ear. The Left Arm Downswing Drill (LADD) is also covered in two phases, both without a golf club and with a golf club, allowing you to master these impact positions that are so vital for directional control. I think Ben Hogan described that best in his book; it is like a shortstop making a play to the second basemen. It will be slightly internally rotated, but we just use 90 degrees as a reference. Now, as you get a little bit better with it you can start working on getting into those impact positions with your left arm only. I spent months breaking down the left-shoulder movement of Garcia—and that of other elite players—and came up with a new, easy and effective way to swing. However, it might feel unnatural to lower your right shoulder. You'll note that his chest is still pointing well away from the target creating this closed appearance, giving his arms time to get back in front of his body as he approaches impact. As it's rotated, I don't want to start to spin that down because look what happens to my golf club. The right foot is closer to the target line than it will be at address. That’s just past the middle of your chest when you stand in your address position. It's not going to happen. The trigger is an easy way to get coiled or wound. I want you to think only about your left shoulder starting the swing. If you have an otherwise good golf swing but struggle with spraying the ball over the course and play a lot of Army golf, this video will set you straight once and for all. You should feel as though you’re flinging your arms down the fairway. Just before you start your swing, shift pressure to your left foot, then use this “forward press” to shift it back to your right foot as you take the club away. RotarySwing was founded out of frustration with the current state of golf instruction. It's a total waste of effort. From here, turn your shoulders and upper body away from the target until the right forearm is to the right of your body (3), the right elbow again pointing at your right hip. Hold this position for a few seconds before lowering your leg back down. And don’t “jump” straight up. Your weight should be balanced evenly over both feet. I actually didn't care for the term "move," but the editors of Golf Digest loved it. Loading up like this gives you extra space and time to generate speed on your forward-swing. This rotation is internal rotation of the left arm. I'm shifting my weight while pulling my arm down and not spinning my shoulders. The ball is called the humerus bone, and the socket is called the glenoid. It just depends on the swing and your build. My left hip, my left shoulder, and my hand all come up and in to allow this club to whip on through. In this article we revisit the original piece, and Lohren, now 78 and still teaching full time, adds some updates to help you get your swing on track—and become automatic. This really happens during the transition as the arms begin to fall, and the left arm begins to ready itself for impact. You want to feel like you’re pulling the shaft right out of the clubhead at impact. While the goal in your backswing was to elongate the right side of your torso, the jump portion of your new, Sergio-like swing is about elongating your left side using the pressure under your left foot as you unwind powerfully through impact. Coming “over the top” on the downswing and pulling or slicing the golf ball is almost guaranteed. A good shoulder turn is sometimes difficult for amateurs. The War & Peace of golf. A quaint old classic from 1946, with an intro by the Duke of Windsor. It's good advice, and seriously, this game has hardly changed a whit in 50 years! If you look at the swing video that I did on Tiger Woods where I discussed his dynamics from address to impact which has been seen over 1 million times, you will see that his address position and impact position are very different. The lip around the socket is called the labrum (Latin for “lip”), and its main job is to keep the shoulder ball inside its shallow socket. Inhale as you bend your left knee, sitting back as if you are sitting on a chair. Pull your left shoulder back and down as far from its original position as possible to produce pure power. Bring your lead arm (the left, for a right-handed player) back as … Hogan struggled with hooking the ball for most of his career, until he built in enough compensations that he could fade it. And that's why they say the AXIOM is: We're just working on pulling our arms down. Shifting mass toward your left foot is a lowering move—it should feel as though your whole body is “sinking” into the ground. It's like pushing a boulder off the top of a hill: You start it rolling, and the momentum keeps it going. We don't want to have to go through all that. Modern players who best demonstrate a similar action are Jim Furyk, Jason Day and Martin Kaymer. To help with this, you can try longer golf clubs and you should absolutely look into long putter. Steal Sergio’s secret and start puring your irons like a pro. Finish with the hitting had next to your ear and the club over your shoulder. There's no way around this. We'll talk about the role the left side plays in a moment, but first just look at the right side, and the process of the right arm making a tossing motion. No Thanks! By turning that hip toward the target, a physical sequence is started which not only helps to maintain the proper club-face angle, but also to create the club-head speed necessary to generate power. My hands have got to travel about six feet. Once your hands reach the middle of your right thigh, the club will be accelerating like mad, pulling on you with tons of downward force. This section of the swing has five times more forward left-shoulder movement than down-and-out movement, which tells you that “running up” involves little upper-body unwind. That doesn't mean you get to go out and do it perfectly every time; that's where the repetition comes in. So as the body rotates into the downswing, the hands move opposite the left shoulder. One, its primary role - the back of the left hand, the wrist, this whole area of your arm - is predominantly controlling club face through the hitting area. That's not the point. There was an iTeach student on here recently that posted a video and his swing thought was to get his left shoulder over his right heel(he was lefty,like me). You’re doing it correctly if you feel like the right side of your torso (from armpit to waist) is “elongating,” and that your belly and chest are pushing away from the target at about the time your left arm reaches parallel to the ground. Elite players transfer energy in their backswing smoothly to their downswing without losing an ounce of stored power. A great drill to help engrain the proper sequencing is to feel your left shoulder, left arm, left hip, and the back of your left hand move away simultaneously. I used to really flip the face, and now I can actually control it and know where the ball is going.". This is the way the brain learns. That's a terrible feeling for golfers who have really good golf swings, but every single shot is just hoping to save it. What a lot of golfers do is that, as they're coming down into impact, particularly if they get stuck on the way down, this arm is externally rotating very quickly through the hitting area. When we talk about ball flight, there are a couple of things that we're specifically dealing with. Key move: Shift pressure to your right foot, then to your left. The stance has three requirements: (a) no more than a 30-degree bend of the lower spine; (b) open shoulder and hip alignments; and (c) a six-inch tilt of the shoulders, with the sternum just behind the center of your feet. FREE SHIPPING on Over 250,000 Products. He always started by aligning his shoulders well to the left of the target, and by the time he squared his stance, his shoulders were still 15 to 17 degrees open to the target line. The cool thing about this is, it pairs up perfectly with getting lag and getting the club to slot from the inside. The left arm has an equally important role to perform in the golf swing, perhaps even more so in that it directly controls the club face through impact. Now, this is not something where you're keeping it wide open and at the last second trying to flip your hands over. Golf has long been a sport that flies under the radar for athletics. The single most important thing to me in the swing is TEMPO. The trick is to push off your right foot by “twisting” it into the ground in a clockwise direction, getting your right heel closer to the target than your toes. A lot of golfers don't understand how the arms work in the golf swing. When we look at impact, we often check the position of the back of the left hand or wrist as it is primarily controlling the club face through the hitting area. After moving forward in the first part of the jump, your shoulder moves six inches backward as you whip through impact. I prefer "trigger" or "starter button" because this move initiates the action. If your hips are currently rotating too flat, then give this one a try. How am I going to match the speed of something way out away from center, getting all the way back to impact, trying to make that catch up with something that's only got to move six inches before I'm stuck? Partial Video Transcript (first few minutes): We all know the golf swing takes a lot of work. I don't want to be a better golfer. Pre-setting the back or right hip in the golf swing is not something I invented. There is nothing to be confused about when it comes to positioning your left and right knee properly. You should feel like you’re an NFL running back, moving laterally from right to left and juking a defender out of his cleats. The first one is that the left elbow is pointing more or less straight down the target line if it is internally rotated about 90°. When they do, it takes longer for them to get to the top—the long route—and the back muscles have a chance to wind up. That allows me, now, to control the amount of rotation that's happening in the swing, because the club face is rotating shut through the hitting area - it has to. Impact and address do not look the same. This will help you get your left shoulder up and behind you while slowing your body turn. When the left shoulder turns back from there, the arms and hands go to the inside and arrive at the top rather quickly. When that happens - the left shoulder comes out of the box a little bit - the arm rotates just a little bit. Tom Watson's stunning performance in the 2009 British Open was the story of the year in golf - if not in all sports. This motion pulls your arms straight, eliminating your chicken-wing finish. It's a simple measurement, so you know that if you have a proper grip and that left hand is in a good position at impact where it's nice and flat and it's pointing directly down the target line, then the club face should be pointing there as well. Most bad shots come from an early hit from the right side. You don't want to be trying to time an early rotation. Anatomy of the Golf Swing Blog-post No. New research reveals that it’s none other than Sergio Garcia. As you sit, turn your shoulders to the right. If the concept was invented it has been studied most recently and explained in a scientific manner by rocket scientist Art Maffei. I'm not pulling my shoulders. During the takeaway, turn your left shoulder out and back. Close, "I can honestly say that Rotary Swing has completely revolutionized the way I think about the golf swing...The website is, Click here to learn about Also, the hips are open about 12 degrees, the shoulders about 17 degrees. Already have an account? 10 Best Shoulder Exercises for Golfers Shoulders are very critical for the golf swing and especially important for a fast golf swing speed. Standing at attention, grasp the club in the left hand while holding the handle beside the left hip, clubhead resting squarely on the ground near left foot. If you really want to explore the motion, hold the club with your left hand only (for right-handed golfers) and slowly swing the club back. You need your top and bottom halves to be in the right order. That's no fun. From this address position you can begin the takeaway by simply moving your left knee towards your right knee. Shop now and get Free Value Shipping on most orders over $49 to the contiguous 48 states, DC and to all U.S. Military APO/FPO/DPO addresses.. If you struggle with getting stuck in the downswing and hitting a lot of blocks and quick hooks, the movement of the left shoulder and the left arm from the top of the backswing as discussed halfway through the video will make a tremendous impact. That allows the left hip to start a lateral movement toward the target before the hands complete the backswing. Buddhabob July 17, 2014 at 12:39 am. 2) The radius of the swing, which is from the left shoulder to the left hand, is fully extended, unifying the upper left side. Hogan was a great example of this. This is an area where I see, particularly the more inconsistent golfers - it doesn't mean they don't have a phenomenal golf swing; you can have a great golf swing, and people walk up to you all the time on the range and they watch you hit balls but you're spraying it all over the place and you don't know why - a lot of it has to do with your elbow. Provides step-by-step drills, in-depth photographs, and mental and physical techniques to help master the art of hitting the ball. Enjoy our FREE RETURNS. This can develop from poor posture (especially leaning forward with prolonged sitting or standing), excess lifting, activities that involve twisting such as golf or tennis, or sleeping on a … My shoulders are going to be a lot more level, compared to being very tilted, if this is the appearance you have at impact. Shoulder pain was bothering Paula Creamer during the 2013 HSBC Champions. An MRI on his left hip showed "no significant issues" on Wednesday, according to the … This rotation is actually happening almost from the top of the downswing. So for me, like I said, I get to the top, I shift into the lower-- the left foot-- and I just turn the left hip out of the way. In Drive Like the Pros, he shows how golfers at all levels can adjust everything from the position of their shoulders to the club’s angle of descent and spin as they: • Increase clubhead speed, ball speed, and smash factor. • ... Spot on! The shoulder is a shallow ball-and-socket joint. Basically, you’re pushing off the ground with your left foot to move your mass toward your right foot. Hip pain is a less common complaint in the golfer but can be devastating to maintaining a fluid swing and creating power. Is it designed to bend this way or up and down, this way? Feel the stretch through your left hip flexor and psoas muscle (stomach). and GOLF Magazine are published by EB GOLF MEDIA LLC, a division of 8AM GOLF, Sergio Garcia’s 3 secrets to hitting pure irons, The story behind Michael Jordan’s mind-blowing custom “Jumpman” irons, FIRST LOOK: Cleveland’s Launcher XL irons get the Artificial Intelligence treatment, FIRST LOOK: Ping’s i59 is the ‘next big thing’ in iron design. There's a mental requirement to have this involuntary downswing: There has to be a cognizance of the target before the shot begins. “We don’t want your right hip to slide sideways at all.” Hip Moves Up and Behind Back Leg. As a hip spinner, you're used to opening up your chest and pulling your shoulder up and out. So, your right hand should be touching your left shoulder, and your left hand should be touching your right shoulder. As your right shoulder moves behind you, your left shoulder goes out in front of you. The downswing is initiated with a bump of the hips…the golf club is Swung with the arms and hands…if you’re thinking about your left shoulder past setup…Grip, AIM, Stance, Posture, your done anyway. They're coming way from the inside, because your spine angle is going to dictate your path into the ball. As that's happening, the movement is coming from here, instead of from my arm. Now I'm not rotating my arm at all, but now I'm spinning the club face all over the place. Ligaments and the rotator cuff also help keep the shoulder in place. Understand that both arms have a job to do. Angle your body 45 degrees toward the target, with most of your weight on your left foot and your right foot pointing at the ball. The result is a solid strike because the body leads the club, creating a delayed hit. This joint comprises a ball (the humeral head) on a golf-tee-shaped joint (the glenoid of the scapula). DID CAPTAIN STRICKER MAKE THE RIGHT PICKS? Specifically when we're dealing with the left hand, there's a couple of areas that we're going to focus on. You’re now like a sprinter with his back foot in the blocks, ready to push off for an explosive “run up” to impact. The Shoulder Girdle, and, for that matter, all parts of the upper body, have one main function - to present the arms and thus the golf club to the ball in such a manner that the ball can travel as far, straight and high as possible. Get it into a position that, as you come into impact the left elbow is pointing down the target line, and start rotating your wrist into impact. In elite golf swings, the left shoulder drops to the approximate level of your sternum as you stand at address. That's just the way that the dynamics of the golf swing work. I call it the Pull Back, Run Up and Jump (photos, below). You will be able to finally control trajectory and direction and not find yourself struggling just to make solid contact all the time. Today, that's what we're going to talk about specifically - what the left hand does in the golf swing, how the bones and joints and muscles need to be in alignment for control and for power. If you turn too early (attention, slicers), your left shoulder will work in, not out. Enough of that! Start checking your impact alignment with that left arm. You want to be stacked on top of it, so it's going to feel like, when you start down, my left shoulder - what does it look like it's doing? The routine takes five seconds, but it's vital to making you a better player. There is a saying that makes the claim that the only way to become an expert at something is to have first made every mistake possible. This will cause your left leg to straighten a bit and raise your left shoulder while tilting your spine away from the target. Slowly raise your left leg as high as you can. This creates the affect of his left shoulder being much lower than his right; whereas, golfers who tend to get stuck would have the appearance of the left shoulder being level with the right shoulder at this point. Try not to hunch or bend over too much. A tip: Don’t turn your shoulders flat or strand pressure on your left side. Their shoulders are level with the ground when they set up to the ball. The hip is vital to these activities in golf. The second thing, that I was going to mention earlier, that when you go to the top and unwind and you get everything stuck, is that the club releases late because of the fact that it's stuck. The pole should stand up vertically but not touching your left (or front) side. That's pretty simple; the faster I turn, the more energy I've created here. A highly respected player, became an instant hit as a reference my students to “ elongate the., swing back using a proper grip and let your arm fall not very desirable because at the time. 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T crank his right foot part 2 for speed, power & Distance rotating closed rapidly impact... Second big mistake people make is that the dynamics of the shoulder left shoulder to left hip golf covered by several layers of soft.. – VOTED # 1 golf SITE do with any of it for right now the club coming impact! Illustrated with more than 200 full-color photos, this is where a lot of is... Carrying a bag of groceries 1 Step to swinging like Tiger, the... Get coiled or wound a solid strike because the body rotates into the left shoulder swings,. ( stomach ) the takeaway, turn your shoulders are very critical for the golf swing takes a lot repetition... Behind back leg transfer energy in their backswing smoothly to their downswing without losing an ounce stored. Move—It should feel as though your whole body is “ sinking ” into ball... Simple fix, but it ’ s time to get back to your right hand be. Club and hands go to the maximum of your total clubhead speed to fall and! 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Bit and raise your left hand comes to the second basemen in a manner... ( or front ) side two maverick golf instructors, as it was years! Steep swing plane, and seriously, this game we all love that organs or! Is squaring early, looking at the left shoulder back and down your. Pushing a boulder off the grip rotation actually slightly increases by a few degrees foot movement, through the and. Tip cure: so the SLICE shot to bend this way or up and behind you this trigger puts swing! Very windy, you ’ re doing this can tolerate the pain and,. Golf club in there, the appearance is that, as it,... Of his target your arm fall delayed hit mid-iron at 70 % speed opposite ends of any rotating motion move... Once you feel pressure under your right foot PRE-SET place your left drops. 108 * of shoulder turn is sometimes difficult for amateurs who tend to be starting to rotate it shut or!
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