I really could write a lot more but maybe I will save for another post. Various Materials – Video’s, MP3’s, ebooks and online support available. Learn how your brainwaves affect your mental health, emotional state, & level of consciousness. Return to the present with meditation. Intuition. Remote viewing provides a different view of the world. Add to cart. Or for the more experienced Remote Viewer, you could travel to other countries, under the sea, or even to the far reaches of Outer Space. The result of a freak accident which had happened almost 50 years before. Balance your brain with meditation. Follow the sound of my voice as I talk you through … Fill the void with meditation. An incredibly complex disease, Bipolar disorder has an interwoven variety of biological, psychological, and sociological contributing factors. Persons who are psychic can learn Remote-Viewing more easily than others, but anyone can learn how to do RV work! Practice using the skills tests in this book and become a more efficient and accurate Remote-Viewer. Follow the sound of my voice as I talk you through remote viewing step by step and activate your clairvoyant viewing and remote view faraway places.Buy The MP3 Version Here: https://www.nickysutton.com/store/p52/Remote_Viewing_Guided_Meditation.htmlRead my credentials, enroll in one of my courses here: http://www.nickysutton.comSupport this channel with Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/NickySutton© Copyright Nicky Sutton*Playlists*⢠Healing Energies: Playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9Q8h2LAumbndSR5wzHarrGQSoLqtwd61⢠Manifesting: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9Q8h2LAumbmvW3dSnf0OU-6POuz9gfGC⢠Extrasensory \u0026 Divine Communication: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9Q8h2LAumbkJFJEwYu2OiZgCRnggpvKS⢠Wellness \u0026 Inner Work: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9Q8h2LAumbmp9Iyzf3DCRqBAlrHNWY9M⢠Journeys \u0026 Regressions: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9Q8h2LAumblr574-28byXHi-ldriCkAr⢠Sleep Hypnosis: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9Q8h2LAumbm0syAynp9yTgh7M84PE0YI⢠Affirmations: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9Q8h2LAumbn5RvgYnl_i4uZ7unhvsQdeDo not play this video while driving or doing anything else.Get updates and spiritual inspiration via social media:Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/nickysuttonawakeningInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/spiritualawakeningnethttps://twitter.com/nicky_sutton_#remoteviewingmeditation #remoteviewinghypnosis You can also view more information about this product here >>>Click Here<<<, 3.) But really, what are free radicals, what are antioxidants, & for folks wanting to live a long, healthy life, why do they matter? 5 hours left at this price! It gave my scientific mind enough of a theory base to start exploring the subject more. This opens the door to many amazing benefits: faster & easier learning, excellent mental health, super creativity, & more. Found inside – Page 9Scientific Remote Viewing, Extraterrestrials, and a Message for Mankind Courtney Brown. aspect. ... For this reason, I advise combining the practice of remote viewing with the practice of meditation. The form of meditation that I enjoy ... Life ends at 80. We've all seen the headlines, a glass a day can extend your life. Luckily, meditation fortifies our brain's sleep center. $14.99. Remote Viewing. Remote Viewing Guided Meditation. Whether you're a college student cramming for exams, a career ladder climbing professional looking for that extra acuity, or a senior wishing to preserve your golden year mental faculties, meditation can improve your memory & brain power. "After I wrote Mastery Through Meditation, I got so many calls and emails about how to Remote View and Astral Project better, that I had to write this course!". In this second installment of Dr. Greer's remote viewing training, Dr. Greer takes us through the atmospherics or precognition of meditation and remote viewi. Hello Everyone, Alex here back with another post for Meditation 24×7. The world needs creativity. Sleeplessness goes far beyond inconvenience. 5 out of 5 stars 5. It is a fascinating topic though as I’ve said above. Found insideI continued to learn and practice things such as meditation and remote viewing. I had never done either one of them before. I found that meditation was a very powerful thing for me. Meditation took me places I'd never been and I learned ... We generally have around 20 attendees so rsvp with me via email (Scott@TheMeditationMind.com) if you can. Become kind & compassionate with meditation. Found inside – Page 146See Self - motivation Mountains meditation , 88–89 Music finding new direction , 62-64 humming meditation , 60-61 ... 125-126 protecting , meditation for , 81 remote viewing , 123–124 telepathy , 122-123 universal healing plane and ... Thoughts are just thoughts, right? Did your sense of self fade into oblivion? 3.) This book explains how remote viewing is meditation taking to the next level. What if there was a better way to enter the lucid dream alternate reality, where there are no rules, no fears, no inhibitions, & no doubts? Scientists love studying meditators' magnificent, "depression-free" brains. Here, from a variety of angles, we discuss how meditation can propel anyone to their ideal body. A very absurd claim certainly but what is astounding is how his earlier experiment is seemingly backed up by sound scientific data. According to scientists, stress is the cause of at least 95% of all disease. Each day is different and includes audio meditation exercises . If you want to discover how PrinCess can travel to anywhere in the world.actually, anywhere in the universe and be able to see into the past, present and future then you have come to the right place! Change your brain, change your life. I visualize local places and what I try to do is visualize places that I’ve been to in the past, where I’ve visited. To Knight’s astonishment after calling the county morgue, this indeed turned out to be the case. Meditation increases intelligence in many ways: From making both brain hemispheres work together, to boosting memory, to increasing brain size, to enhancing emotional intelligence (EQ). All things that later scientific data unavailable at the time concluded was an accurate analysis. Our endless responsibilities, dead end jobs, & unhealthy relationships often make us feel like prisoners. What my experience has been whilst leaving my body has been that even just by closing my eyes I’m able to take myself away on short journeys, and travel to places through my own mental imagery. The nature & origin of consciousness is life's greatest unanswered question. The mounting career, relationship, & family commitments we face makes living in this chaotic world all the more difficult. Luckily, meditation quiets the mind beautifully. Hi Larisa, Glad you enjoyed reading it’s maybe one of my favorite posts I’ve written I think. When it comes to slaying Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), meditation is the proverbial magic bullet. Numerous accounts exist of local police forces partnering with remote viewers with astonishing results. Remote viewing is a term used to describe the ability to perceive information about a distant target. Also on top of this is a 100% 60-Day money back Guarantee. Scientific Remote viewing as a subject matter immediately sparked my interest and the book will push me to probe it more. With our productivity, mood, energy, & health taking a roundhouse kick to the clavicle, chronic insomnia can really crimp our potential. Original Price. From dark caves to sunlit skyscrapers, from incoherent grunting to the world wide web, from muddy riverbanks to the far reaches of the solar system, we owe everything to our prefrontal cortex. There will be times when someone is making an important decision… and you won’t be there to help. per item. It begins within, and can open doorways to kingdoms and empires of unimaginable wonder. Today, I am so happy and have a glowing sense of pride within my heart to welcome you to the very real worlds of Rebecca Jernigan. What’s included in this program. Here's how meditation rockets EQ. If you would as well, or you already have experience in Remote Viewing please feel free to comment below, or leave your review and let me know your thoughts. Here are six ways meditation does the job. Price: $67.00 USD – Full Course. Plus for anybody that is interested if you look below this post, there is an opt-in box. Narrated by: Susan Smith. I’ve began meditating, doing breath work and I have actually experienced lucid dreaming/astral projection. They are often generous, empathic, with the ability to love & be loved. Positive Daily Affirmations to Assist You in Seeking Impressions of Distant Things Using the Law of Attraction, Self-Hypnosis, Guided Meditation and Sleep Learning. Could he really have given an accurate description of the Dark Side of the Moon? While we don't believe in mythical "stay young forever" potions like our ancestors once did, one magic molecule is making a very strong case. Complete email support for every step of the way, Found insideDuring the most vivid of my past-life regressions, I experienced a first-person point of view while simultaneously ... Whether in regressions, remote viewing, meditation, or other ways of mentally/psychically accessing information, ... Even though time. I like Meditation, Visualization, and Lucid Dreaming but I would love to learn how to do this definitely. This is a nonprofit research and educational institute based in Atlanta, Georgia, that is dedicated to the continued Inventions don't invent themselves. Remote Viewers. Is there any surprise that history's greatest humanitarians often practiced meditation? Luckily, we are creative by nature. For you, it could be different. To prosper in a changing world, we need to "be water" in every situation. Using a complex binaural beat frequency mix that ranges and flows from 4Hz to 8Hz, and an isochronic tone of 5Hz, the Theta range brainwaves assist and encou. Can This Really Predict The Future? This part of the book was more a journal of remote viewing sessions concerning these ETs than a scientific paper, and had some metaphysical musings thrown into the mix. This is a relaxed community for pleasure only. It's called meditation. The faculty of Remote Viewing is popularly also known as Extra Sensory Perception (or ESP for short), a term coined by the pioneering parapsychology researcher J.B. Rhine in 1934. History is full of people who, in the face of failure, diversion, & distraction, stayed the course anyway, achieving their dreams regardless of what's in their path. So my final thoughts… wow! Of course, we all do! You can also follow him on twitter – >>HERE<<, About the program. The world's foremost remote viewing teacher, Edward A. Dames, Major, U.S. Army (ret.) Remote viewing is similar to clairvoyance which is someone's ability to view an object, person, or place without being in that location physically. If you have ever had the urge to 'reach for the stars' but have been discouraged by your current mindset and lifestyle then this 6 book set omnibus will change everything. - - - - - - - - - - - #1 - LEARN TO MEDITATE AND RELIEVE STRESS - - ... You aren’t the only one, the world spends billions of dollars every year for that little bit extra to get through the day. I’ve experienced very strong synchronicities and read a great book by Kirby Surprise about the subject. Why is EquiSync better than the rest? But actually doing my research a bit more thoroughly and really delving into the topic today again wow… there really is so much to learn. And the best way to boost these chemicals? Remote Viewing . That’s when, according to the latest data, we need to go coffin shoppin'. With joy & hope on fumes, we smother our emptiness, unhappiness, & loneliness with food. Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing: The Next Evolution in Mind Power. Become "fluidly intelligent" with meditation. Sean McNamara is a seasoned meditation teacher who learned TK first-hand and teaches others how to actualize it themselves. This is not a theoretical book. A dream. days after you enroll. Understand how EquiSync is designed to guide your brainwaves into the deepest, most advanced states of meditation. Look no further than meditation. Some of Swann’s observations during these RV sessions were that Jupiter had appeared to have an extremely large hydrogen mantle approx. Remote Viewing - An Introduction To Coordinate Remote Viewing. A few weeks back I posted a weekly practice target that was Wim Hof. But the past year or so I’ve had some pretty eye-opening experiences that have made me question. Here, we take a look at the most fascinating age defying studies making news headlines, and how meditation freezes father time. Remote Viewing: Remote viewing is a practice that can be used to make contact with aliens. If you would like to subscribe to my email list – I will send you a link for a free 7 part course by Dr. Hein about Remote Viewing and also if I get enough subscribers will be starting a monthly newsletter highlighting everything on this blog, new products, and exclusive content. PrinCess Jeaneé is one of the top remote viewing experts in the world. Remote Viewing success can be intensified when combined with meditation and binaural beats as these allow our unconscious mind to function with less interference from our busy egoic mind.. Verona McColl, Dip.Psych., Dip.Couns.Director RVCommunity. – Or am I looking at the actual front door by Remote Viewing? Under chronic stress, this nasty stuff inundates our body, torpedoing our health. 234 pages that will help you extend your perceptions across both time and space. Imaging studies have shown that highly successful, massively creative people use both brain halves in a much more integrated way. Yep, hating how fat we are makes us fatter. I was wrong. Scientific Remote Viewing® An Overview The method of remote viewing that is the focus here began to evolve in earnest in 1996 due to research that was and continues to be conducted at The Farsight Institute. It helps to settle the mind so that remote viewing is optimized. This is my idea of Remote Viewing! Metaphysics Basics Using Meditation Remote Viewing Creating Sacred Spaces Learn Inner Guidance Skills Learn Remote Influencing Understanding Reality Correctly Understand Consciousness Metaphysical vs Man-Made With our attention spans lower than ever, anxiety levels are higher than ever. One of the incidents said to occur in this book is the case of ‘Shipyard 402‘, which involved the US Navy using the assistance of Remote Viewers to spy on threats to National Security. Solve problems creatively 20Do not buy any of the programs under the STARGATE umbrella was the remote Viewers conduct. 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