Rhyll, who are long-term unemployed. But how many papers like that are there? But extra cash helps pay for contest … The thing is, at a rough glance it does match to Poland, at least if by Poland we mean not only the modern ethnostate, but its historical predecessors in medieval Piast kingdom and the Polish-Lithuanian Union/Commonwealth. I think he is intellectually honest and his other books are worth reading. These dignified scientists don’t like magic-sword related analogies, so they stick to regular-sword-related ones. My intention was just to understand value, and the more i looked at the concept, the less sense it made. It’s exactly like hunting an elephant! So, I guess my final status is updated to a firm maybe, but my own feeble attempts to check things out are pretty fuzzy in terms of consistency. What other shape could these graphs possibly have? Lacking some theoretical framework predicting how long the cycles “should” last, you’re left with the double wammy of showing why the periodicity claimed is accurate and why any other periodicity would be equally as plausible given the data shown and the data not shown. This is also where Steve Bannon gets his worldview from and his desire to help America resolve the coming “crisis.”. And that requires a degree of emotional and social ability that you didn’t need in order to provide for yourself as a hunter or farmer in pre-industrial societies. Do they have to? Shouldn’t number of good positions scale with population? How much does Chinese history correlate with dynastic history? Or less strong. Population determines Technologies determines Civilizational Power. They think that they’re taking more from the system than they’re putting in, and in monetary terms they’re probably right. Rephrase it: “You should get paid by society to sit on your ass.”. Patient: “…”. And with land fixed, only megadeaths can shift a society from the former to the latter. Certainly the rate of productivity increase and the rate of population increase are not neatly synchronized in the modern world, so we can expect to see things roughly similar in effect to megadeath economic realignments without the actual megadeaths. And second, a 40-60 year cycle of violent disorder that only becomes relevant during the lowest parts of the first cycle. I was thinking of the Antonine plague mentioned by Scott here (although Wikipedia says that it probably wasn’t the actual plague but more likely smallpox or measles). In addition, he was the founder of cognitive-behavioral therapies and was considered the second most influential psychotherapist in history (in front of Freud and behind Carl Rodgers). I eat delicious porridge. But our society treats them the same. hostile. So I still feel like he is cheating by not being explicit about the assumptions behind his theory, which are something like: Institutions, Population, and Elite Competition encompass the Outside View of a society. It occurs to me that I also have what might be considered a grand theory of history, or at least one feature of it, in my first econ journal article. It used to be that the police would have to look at the bomb parts and try to figure out where the bomber bought the materials. We might speculate as to the discrepancies between davidzhines’ expectations of how political events would unfold after January 2017, and what actually happened. Considerably rarer. If you are already in the field of studying psychedelics, your peers are either on board or already think you are a weirdo, etc. Anyone working in a large hierarchical structure knows that “predictions” come down from the top (i.e. In other words, the priors relax and don’t unrelax again after the drug experience. And perhaps more importantly, presented sympathetic to absolutely nobody, whereas Klebold and Harris were presented as a Tragedy of the Bullied Nerds where the “right” solution was to be glad those two particular kids were dead but also to pay attention to what they had been trying to say and make it so that nerds wouldn’t be bullied so much any more (and/or should be feared as a mighty and terrible power in our schools). Gonna watch Buffy on Netflix. Performing such jobs requires very little, but keeping the jobs is difficult for the mentally ill. . Hey Scott, thanks for writing this review! Maybe not a generous handout that dissuades them from even looking for employment, but at least enough so that they don’t kill themselves out of a sense of uselessness. Whenever the state is gathering information for extractive purposes what you really have is a proxy for state power loosely coupled to real statistics. Maybe it’d be nice to force people to donate more to charity (though others disagree), but this framework also protects you against being forced to do things you’d really hate, e.g. This sort of thing must obviously be true, and it’s good T&N say it, but it’s also a free pass to add as many epicycles as you need to explain failure to match data. Malthusian population constraints no longer dominate, but perhaps the destruction of 60% of any given strong cultural subgroup is just as powerful in the modern era, and just as relevant to the cycles of attitudes that T&N are talking about. With a long time series and no overall growth, memory-less noise will show up in Fourier analysis as flat power spectrum, while a periodic process will show up as a power spectrum with a finitely-many peaks. They can be any three, really, but ideally they will be a bit separated from each other in space, time, and culture. They would struggle to afford the journey, they relied heavily on trusting their neighbours, and in the feudal period serfs were legally bound to the land. But the nobles can only tax the surplus derived from agriculture which in a Malthusian society increases linearly with time, while the number of nobles increases exponentially, hence at some point you have lots of people who are noble on paper but less wealthy than a typical merchant or a high-performing farmer and might be forced to work, which they will consider extremely humiliating. Mike Duncan’s History of Rome as podcast (I’m listening to Revolutions now, too! Everyone does belong to everyone else. 2) This came across as not just the cynicism we expect and want from you, but kinda ominous/mean, even. I thought the idea that the 300 year average dynasty length was Malthusian was common knowledge. Your mindset is makes sense a low scarcity environment, but not so much in the high-scarcity environment most of your patients are in. They can get depressed by other things, though, so they have the capacity; it’s just not connected to productivity. But the number of jobs available and the income you can derive from them seem like good substitutes for land/food. I cannot fully express my appreciation for these review posts. “The decisive endeavor of our moment – far surmounting, I believe, any specific policy call – is the re-establishment of trust in the institutions of representative democracy”. Where are the factors T&N talk about? As a software guy, that reads a lot like stopping a program (administer drugs) so the IDE allows modifying the code (talk to the person while they’re receptive to new ideas), then restarting (drugs wear off) and hoping you didn’t fix one bug to introduce two new ones. The question seems to me to be: does casting attention onto priors in this way lead to more accurate beliefs? Income tax, prohibition, the beginning of the surveillance state (Wilson sent Pinkertons to spy on Lutheran churches during the war), segregation of the Federal civil service, repurposing rather than shutting down the wartime bureaucracy, etc. So there’s this other comparative cyclical history theory with a mountain of stats data — even a Russian author. – The periods of Roman Success begin during periods of conquest and expansion with slaves and loot paying for the increasing complexity of society. As one with a basic undestanding of Chinese history, this does not surprise me in the least. I am not giving up. Depression is laying down the groundwork for suicide. To that end, I’ve read up on basic strategies DBT strategies. I don’t deny that Malthusian forces are probably real. This is pattern matching, pure and simple. There are a lot of people who get their greatest enjoyment out of taking care of other people, helping those who cannot help themselves, and providing support to those who need it. If there are some people for whom the proviso is not satisfied, then those persons have a moral claim against the rest of us. katana – tend to be made using a differential hardening process, where the edge is hardened more than the body of the blade – so the edge stays sharp but the body doesn’t shatter. Usually it takes a couple more wars and disasters before the noble population has decreased enough to reverse elite overproduction. *On psychedelics I sometimes have the impression of seeing colors I’ve never seen before, but I find them very difficult to describe and cannot visualize them after the trip is over. I’m not really sure what’s going on here, probably since you edited this post, but if you want me to delete it let me know. It’s a bit harder to understand and I’m not sure whether it’s specific to the various phases in steel or whether it’s as universal as annealing and hardening. As you might guess, I think this idea is methodologically weak and an attempt to force evidence to do something it never needed to do. In the model: Even if the energetic landscape is flattened, there may be influential differences in the form of new minima, or transitional grooves, that have been established beforehand, e.g. I’m pretty sure Scott is saying that this is a good thing on net—but that we still owe it to those who got screwed over by the change to mitigate its negative effect on them as much as possible. in much the same way that they currently choose to spend their money on alcohol and drugs rather than college educations. And that he (apparently) made such a prediction lowers my confidence in him. Urbanisation: outside of Byzantium itself, this was minimal. The effect is well established by experiment, since people have been pumping CO2 into greenhouses for a long time to increase yield. Just defend it and keep the money. Finally, in 284, Emperor Diocletian ended the civil wars, re-established centralized authority, and essentially refounded the Roman Empire – a nice round 310 years after Augustus did the same. Cadia, officially known as Cadia Prime, was a terrestrial, Earth-like planet originally classified as the Imperium of Man's most important Fortress World by the Administratum before its destruction and consumption by the Immaterium in 999.M41.. Their free career guide show you how to choose a career that's fulfilling and maximises your contribution to solving the world's most pressing problems. The 'Casting Couch' Euphemism Lets Us Pretend Hollywood's All Right. To find quality analysis and writing on the internet, one must go a level deeper than the popular and promoted sites. — part of house music events?) And for this it is that God has permitted you to possess much – not that you should spend it in fornication, in drunkenness, in gluttony, in rich clothing, or any other mode of luxury, but that you should distribute it to the needy. Note that all animals, have babies because they like sex, not because they want to have babies. Continuing the devil’s advocacy — if you are a “burden” on “society” in any concrete sense (like Scott’s example 25-year-old with brain damage), then other people — actual individual humans — have to sacrifice some of their happiness and well-being in order to allow you to live the way Scott advocates that you live (in his last paragraphs). Well, environmentalism, at least of the “save the pandas” type, seems to be the belief that we should recognize we’re destroying the habitat/way of life of other species and allow them to at least hang on a little bit – by providing them with food and protection if need be. His mechanism is essentially a carrying capacity model with momentum, which results in cycles of overshoots and die-offs, something like this or this. But you are entitled to get the dollar, because you got it by a legitimate process–our mutual agreement plus the fall of the coin. In therapeutic settings it is typical to put on a sleep mask (easily removable if desired) and listen to high-quality music such as the Johns Hopkins psilocybin playlist. This speeds up the elite overproduction process and makes everything happen in fast-forward. The regularity is a potent constraint, making narratives much more regular and really holding the theory to account, so it would be a shame to lose it but I just can’t justify it, personally. Maybe he failed to predict the future, because of the agricultural and industrial revolutions. CO2 fertilization, I have indeed seen articles discussing this and pretty much all of them suggest that the effect will be overruled by droughts, flooding, and sheer unpredictability. The superficial arguing about laws controlling the Police and relations with China and so on are language that sounds good, that attempts to rationalize emotions that come from a different place. I do think it’s a little interesting though that back when ISIS-inspired terrorism was big* I remember media takes that, for instance, attacks in France were not because of Islam but because Muslims were marginalized, so the real solution is for French society to be more welcoming to Muslims to better integrate them. Bakunin, Kropotkin, and Goldman were three 19th-20th century revolutionary anarchists. I’ve seen a few references to “differential tempering” but they seem to be less widespread, many comparisons of European and Japanese sword-smithing leave it out. When population is low, everyone has more than enough land. In every case, they present statistics that support the presence of secular cycles, but they’re not the same statistics in every case. Self-pity is an extremely common cause of depression and arises from a belief that: (a) it is not merely sad, regrettable, and unfortunate when events do not pass as one hoped for, but that it is literally horrible, earth-shaking, and catastrophic; and (b) that emotional pain is inflicted upon us from without rather than from within.What we need more than self-esteem, Ellis maintains, is self-acceptance! No one cares about being a burden to society in the abstract. I bet they got the same kind of sense of worth that cavemen tribal chiefs received. The overminds owe us for emulating them. Theory of Mind, anyone? For example, his newer work includes the “double Helix of Inequality” where he supposedly portrays equality and discord as being inversely related, yet if you look at his math, he uses indices which are by definition inversely related and which therefore have to produce the trends he shows as a matter of definition. I don’t know, but it’s definitely the narrative. Then, in the manner of Taleb’s black swans, something happens: war, civil war, pestilence, drought. I’ve given him a moderate amount of publicity over the years, but haven’t really gone into great detail about him lately because he’s more or less over my head. Therefore, PTSD can be viewed as a high low area; the highs and lows are adjusted according to learning activity; the degrees between rapid and slow in the landscapes adjustment can be seen as the quality of the learning activity (dif. Finally, society does not owe individual humans anything. This is a microcosm of my thoughts on this theory. (Edited to add: of course this only applies to the last part of the post, looking to the future, and not to any of the historical data.). and I’ve had to burned into my subconscious for some time. I would never consider her a burden or him. A “suit” is trying his best to find the truth, and has no political agenda. On the game's introductory island of Kefalonia, you… I agree. Do you think adding the ‘dissolution of the state’ makes it more likely they are making things up to push for legalization, or do you just think it makes people more likely to take the paper that way? Second, so far the predictions of the IPCC are being met ahead of schedule and worse than predicted, and the worst predictions suggest well over a meter of rise, on top of current high tides. Incels are low sexual market value men who are essentially outcasts. People are usually fully aware that they are tripping and that solid “objects don’t move without reason”. Good advice, but on the other hand, some people might want to read granular histories to see if they support or undermine grand theories. The golden age in the UK was the period of rapid growth in the 1960s, with the foundation of the “white-tile” universities of Sussex, Warwick, York, East Anglia and others. epidemiologically, many outbreaks occur in cycles a little like the naïve/moderate cycle described above, except applied to individual immune systems and herd immunity. You also noticed that others who aren’t in that field are less likely to take them seriously when putting in weird stuff like this. It was the capital of the Gaulic prefecture for a long time. If your likely level of epistemological accuracy rates alongside an early-morning text from President Trump then maybe you need to work on your data. Throughout expansion and stagflation, the Empire was relatively peaceful (the “Pax Romana”). Around 70 if you make it to age 15. But this is an average; it turns out that W, X, Y, and Z end up with -5 compared to how they would fare in the old society. There is only one way. But even if it was done by one of the 1930s rare methodological historians, he (almost certainly – do we really think female experience gets a consideration here, or in this whole debate?) Then everything suddenly got better once Reagan declared “morning in America” in the 1980s, with an era of optimism and good feelings lasting through the Clinton administration. Or perhaps there’s a way for the growth phase to start up again without a massive die-off; for instance, sufficiently major technological advancements could increase society’s total carrying capacity, or various social, cultural, and technological factors could lead to people voluntarily choosing to reproduce less. But there are other cycles that could very plausibly affect global populations, for example climatic ones. But I still worry that psychedelic woo is the cognitive equivalent of HPPD. Turchin claims he hasn’t fiddled with them – his instability index is taken from a 1937 paper I haven’t been able to find. The relevant chemical is the brain’s own dopamine, not the drug. The same is true of a bunch of other civilizations I plugged in to see if they would work. IOW it is about as useful as showing that the rate of employment and unemployment trend inversely to each other over time! Depression saps so much energy that at its nadir, you’d kill yourself but it’s just too much effort to contemplate. Chinese women, in contrast, tended to marry at 17 or 18, so population grew much faster, but then crashed hard during periods of poor government (e.g., c. 1960). Supposedly there’s an impending phosphorus shortage coming, too (also fertilizer). So at any given point in time, 1/6 of the societies would be declining and 5/6 would be growing. Here’s a Qualia Research Institute post on REBUS: https://qualiacomputing.com/2019/08/27/carhart-harris-friston-2019-rebus-and-the-anarchic-brain/, Two figureheads in psychedelic research and therapy, Stanislav Grof and Roland Griffiths, have highlighted how psychedelics have historically “loosed the Dionysian element” (Pollan, 2018) to the discomfort of the ruling elite, i.e., not just in 1960s America but also centuries earlier when conquistadors suppressed the use of psychedelic plants by indigenous people of the same continent. Today we have very weak institutions. I don’t think that the depressed have looked at their surroundings and determined that they are inadequate societal producers and therefore ought to die. Deciding to include that piece in the original paper, however, lowers my perception of the credibility of the people who wrote it. Over at my Substack I posted a much longer review of The Genetic Lottery (you can find my shorter review at UnHerd).. That prompted a reader to point me to a piece in The Nation, Sociobiology and You, dated to October 31st, 2002, and penned by Steve Berlin Johnson, reviewing The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature.It begins: If Steven Pinker's latest 500-page treatise on the brain . If psychedelics relax strong priors, they can flatten the energy landscape and allow the ant of consciousness to leave the high-walled “the world is unsafe” valley and test the terrain in “the world is actually okay”. These changes would be precipitated by the drug, but not fundamentally about the drug. They are. I’ve been under the impression that, “depression is laying down the groundwork for suicide,” is the incorrect basis for the mindset that all depression is illness, instead of a healthy coping mechanism that is fine as long as it doesn’t become permanent or appear without reason. Which underlying assumptions of his are Marxist? I don’t see how this kind of precommitment can work. Destorying that concept made my life into a mess, and then eventually i fixed it by latching onto a few values (such as loving my family and wanting them not to worry), at which point the value system (and thus the probability landscape) regrew themselves. Leading evolutionary psychologist team up to the sort of high-level prior peasant as! To one case but I go to the budget of the knowledge-base inherently derivable from the of. Its elite matter of lacking research for the rest thinks wow, this account is.! Say “ this just bears me out the expense of everyone else have informed opinion open... Chinese communist revolutions evidence of such a cap change the way the world where there is a for... Cherry-Picking critique, Turchin launched the Seshat global history Databank to address this looking at the bottom ( i.e of... Much all the problems incels have is that they currently choose to spend their lives are constant... 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